- The common loon is a water bird found at remote lakes and rivers in Canada, US, and Europe.
- The bird is the state bird of Minnesota, U.S.A., and it appears on Canada’s dollar coin – the Loonie.
- They may grow to reach a length of 1m when measured from the tip of their beak to their feet.
- One interesting thing about the Loons is that they have different vocalization for different situation and activity. For instance when they are going on hunting, they wail. They hoot to keep in touch with their chicks and other Loons. When there is an imminent danger, they make an alarming sound which has been described as insane laughter. This sound is called tremolo.
- Their wing span up to 140cm and they weigh between 4 – 6kg
- They are skilful swimmers, thanks to their webbed feet.
They are also adroit divers, diving up to 60m and can stay submerged in water for several minutes
- Female Loons usually lay two eggs which have olive colour and dark spots. Both parents take turn in incubating the eggs
- The eggs hatch within an average of 29 days. When the chicks are 2 days old, they can swim and make short dives and take a ride on the back of their parent. They leave their parents after 3 months
- They feed preferably on fish but their delicacy may also include crayfish, shrimps, and snails. They are in turn eaten by eagles, gulls and raccoons. Click here for more bird facts
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