
10 Amazing Animal Facts (Tarantula Spider)

Tarantulas comprise a group of often hairy and very large arachnids belonging to the Theraphosidae family of spiders, of which approximately 900 species have been identified. There are red, blue, brown and black tarantulas. Tarantulas are found in the rain forests and jungles of South and Central America, in Africa and in the southern part of North America.

Fast Facts about Tarantulas

1. On average, Tarantulas measure 7 to 10 cm in length. However, they are capable of exceeding 30 cm. Tarantulas are largest known spiders.

2. Many Tarantulas live in burrows underground.  They will either use their fangs to dig them or else take someone else’s burrow-home.

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3. The tarantula’s appearance is worse than its bite. Tarantula venom is weaker than that of a honeybee and, though painful, is virtually harmless to humans. Smaller tarantulas eat insects, while some of the larger species will hunt frogs, mice, and even birds!

4. Tarantulas periodically shed their external skeletons in a process called molting. In the process, they also replace internal organs, such as female genitalia and stomach lining, and even regrow lost appendages.

5. Tarantulas are noctural hunters that wait for their prey to come close enough to grab. They kill their prey with a bite from their fangs. The fangs release venom that kills their victim. They can also crush their prey using their powerful mouthparts.

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6. Common predators of tarantulas are weasels, hawks, owls, skunks and snakes.  Their worst enemy is the Spider-Wasp.  The female wasp will paralyze the spider by stinging it.  She then digs a hole and puts the spider and an egg into it.  When the egg hatches, the baby wasp will eat away at the paralyzed spider.  The spider could stay buried alive for many days before the larvae hatch.

7. Tarantulas do not make the typical spider web that other spiders do. Tarantulas do produce silk, however, and they will use this silk for many different things. Some will put a layer of silk on the floor of their burrow to keep it clean, and free from ants. (Like wall to wall carpeting!) Many tarantulas will also have the entrance of their burrow lined with fine silk to notify them of visiting prey items. Others will actually built a hammock-like “fort” out of thick silk, which they will lay in during the day.

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8. When the tarantula feels a possible threat, it can take one of its back legs and quickly rub it against it abdomen. This action released the hairs into the air, and into the eyes and nose of a predator that may be lurking nearby. The effect of these hairs is quite unpleasant, irritating the soft tissue of the unfortunate creature that got a face full of hair.

9. One other predator that the Tarantula must fear is people.  Not only are they caught as pets; in some countries they are eaten, as well.

10. Male tarantulas live 5-10 years, and females can live over 20 years.

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