
Peacock is the popular or familiar name for Peafowls. Whereas, the name Peacock refers to the males of Peafowl. Peahen is the name for the female Peafowl. Let us see some exciting facts about these birds.

  1. Not many people know that these birds pass their teenage years. They have an average lifespan of 23 years.
  2. Only the mails have the colourful long tail. They use this to attract the female during courtship.
  3. The tail reach a length of 5 ft (1.5 m). The tail make about 60% of the whole bird’s length. The body measures 10 thingsup to 90 – 130cm.
  4. A male peafowl (peacock) is one of the largest flying birds when the combined length of its train and its large wingspan are considered.
  5. The peacock’s tail has about 150 eye markings.
  6. The female peafowl (peahen) can lay up to 4 – 5 eggs which take 28 days to hatch
  7. The newly hatched chicks grow very fast and can begin to walk on the very day they hatch.
  8. Peacocks are ground-feeders that eat insects, plants, and small creatures.
  9. You sure did not know that the long tail of a peacock is called TRAIN
  10. A group of peafowls is called PARTY. Click here for more bird facts

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