Basic Science JSS1 1st Term
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Basic Science JSS1 1st Term Read More »
(By Warren Cassell, Jr.) Have you ever heard of a type of fish called the cavefish? They are small in size, pink in color, live in caves at the bottom of the ocean, and oh yeah, they have no sense of sight! Their ancestors were normal fish with eyes, but somewhere along the evolution of
The Secret To Making Your Great Idea A Reality Read More »
Teens get a bad rap for the number of hours they log in front of their computers, but this group of students is using their screen time for something really wonderful. Thanks to FCB Brasil and the CNA language school network, Brazilian teens are able to practice their English skills through a speaking exchange —
The Very Cool Way These Teens Are Learning English Read More »
Basic Science JSS 1 Week 2 Topic: Scientific Method Introduction Methods or processes used by scientists to solve scientific problems include the following amongst others; Asking Question: This means that a scientist can ask questions in order to get accurate information. For instance, what makes a car move or is the earth spherical or flat?
Basic Science JSS 1 Week 2 Topic: Scientific Method Introduction Methods or processes used by scientists to solve scientific problems include the following amongst others; Asking Question: This means that a scientist can ask questions in order to get accurate information. For instance, what makes a car move or is the earth spherical or flat? Observing
Scientific Methods Read More »