
November 26, 2014

WhatsApp releases update that stops people from knowing when a message has been read

For many, Whatsapp’s blue ticks are a welcome feature that lets users know exactly when their message has been read. For others, however, they have made it harder to ignore people – and the feature’s release earlier this month led to a backlash from a number of disgruntled members. The update is in beta, which

WhatsApp releases update that stops people from knowing when a message has been read Read More »

Think Rush Hour Traffic in Lagos is bad? Try Commuting in Beijing (Video)

Hate getting to school in the morning ‘cos of too many people in your personal space? Trust us, it could be worse — a lot worse. The cringe-inducing YouTube video shows the terror that is Beijing rush hour, proving your commute might not be so bad after all. Overcrowding in big cities isn’t a new

Think Rush Hour Traffic in Lagos is bad? Try Commuting in Beijing (Video) Read More »

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