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January 5, 2015

Do Carrots Really Help You See Better? Here’s What Science Says

Your mum always said eating carrots would boost your eyesight. Was she right? Carrots are a good source of vitamin A (in the form of beta-carotene), a nutrient that’s essential for healthy eyes, according to a new video from the American Chemical Society’s Reactions series (above). But you can get add the vitamin A you […]

Do Carrots Really Help You See Better? Here’s What Science Says Read More »

End of Internet Explorer? Microsoft’s Windows 10 set to come with new ‘Spartan’ web browser

Microsoft is secretly developing a new web browser to replace Internet Explorer, it has been claimed. Experts say the new browser, codenamed Spartan, will be unveiled on January 21st when Microsoft shows off Windows 10 for the first time. It is believed the new browser will look more like Google’s Chrome browser, and be faster

End of Internet Explorer? Microsoft’s Windows 10 set to come with new ‘Spartan’ web browser Read More »

Never Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions? Here’s How to Change That For Good

In the days leading up to January, you might have been putting together your annual list of New Year’s resolutions—you know, working out more often, reading more books, curbing your shoe addiction, etc. But if you’re anything like us, years of #resolutionfails could be keeping you from making them altogether. In the spirit of turning

Never Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions? Here’s How to Change That For Good Read More »

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