
February 4, 2015

Cool: This Teen creates business out of used shoes

A 16-year-old sneaker-loving teen is using the footwear to get a different kind of kick. He’s opened a pawnshop that uses high-end athletic shoes as collateral. Chase Reed and his father, Troy Reed, opened Sneaker Pawn on Lenox Avenue in New York City’s Harlem neighborhood, looking to capitalize on America’s multi-billion dollar athletic footwear market […]

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Classwork Series and Exercises {Business Studies- JSS2}: Introduction to Advertising

Introduction to Advertising Advertising is concerned with giving publicity to the existence of goods and services by focusing attention on facts such as features, uses, benefits, etc, about the goods and services in order to create effective demand for them. It is defined as any non-personal presentation and promotion of goods and services to a

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