
May 18, 2015

#PNN E-Mentoring (Taiwo Akinlami): Personal Safety/Self-Protection from Recruitment into Terrorist Groups (2)

Dear young friends, sure you are doing great today. I had a great weekend training parents and teachers on how to teach children and young people how to protect themselves. I think we had a great time. Permit me to continue the discussion we began last week on tips on how to protect yourself from

#PNN E-Mentoring (Taiwo Akinlami): Personal Safety/Self-Protection from Recruitment into Terrorist Groups (2) Read More »

Forgotten the answer? Scientists reveal the secret to remembering anything

If you are in an exam hall and you can’t remember what you’ve read, try closing your eyes. Experiments show that recall is boosted when we shut out the outside world. It is thought that blocking out distractions frees up the necessary brainpower to remember things. Psychologists from the University of Surrey put the theory

Forgotten the answer? Scientists reveal the secret to remembering anything Read More »

Here’s why it’s So Hard for You to Remember People’s Names

Have you ever wondered why it takes you extra effort to remember the name of someone you’ve met just once or maybe twice? Meeting someone new and remembering their name is no easy feat for the brain. As a new AsapSCIENCE video explains, remembering people’s jobs and faces isn’t quite as hard. That’s because individual

Here’s why it’s So Hard for You to Remember People’s Names Read More »

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