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July 15, 2015

Remarkable People, Places and Events – Mahatma Gandhi

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, more commonly known as ‘Mahatma’ (meaning ‘Great Soul’) was born in Porbandar, Gujarat, in North West India, on 2nd October 1869, into a Hindu Modh family. His father was the Chief Minister of Porbandar, and his mother’s religious devotion meant that his upbringing was infused with the Jain pacifist teachings of mutual […]

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Grammar Clinic: Part of Speech (Conjunction)

A conjunction is the part of speech that serves to connect words, phrases, clauses, or sentences. The common conjunctions — and, but, for, or, nor, yet, and so — join the elements of a coordinate structure. Types of Conjunctions 1. Subordinating Conjunction A Subordinating Conjunction is a conjunction that introduces a dependent clause, joining it to a main clause. Also called

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Easily distracted by Noise? Well, you might just be a Creative Genius

While it may seem like the predisposition to be easily distracted would hinder creative work, new research suggests that it also may be a key component of creative genius. Psychologists at Northwestern University have found that highly creative people tend to be more distracted by noise than the average person. The study, which was published

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Turns out Hot Chili Pepper can actually soothe your pain

We all know pepper can cause extreme burning sensation that can last for minutes, even hours. It’s this heat, that draws so many to add chili peppers to their meals, and it’s also the reason for their many medicinal properties, including pain relief. Chili peppers’ heat comes from capsaicin, a compound produced to protect the peppers

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Want to have a fabulous Teen Life? Follow these steps

The teen age can be really challenging – changing of hormones, peer pressure, school stress and all that. Every teenager will face these challenges. The question of weather you will live through it or not depends on support you get and your orientation. Do good in your community Volunteering can not only improve your community’s status,

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Daydreaming is GOOD for you: Researchers find a wandering mind can boost your brainpower

Turns out daydreaming can be good for you and actually boost the brain, researchers have found. They say that while we daydream, the brain is actually more effective. They believe that when we daydream, it is freed up to process tasks more effectively. According to the new study published in the Proceedings of the National

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English Words To Avoid in Other Countries

Considering travelling to other countries? For pleasure, tourism, family and friends? Here are some English words you want to refrain from using. These words, phonetically, do not work in other countries. TURKEY Peach. Going to Turkey? Avoid asking for a peach in the supermarket or anywhere else for that matter. It means ‘bastard’ in Turkish.

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