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June 2, 2017

SS1 Chemistry First Term: Particulate Nature of Matter

Introduction Matter is defined as anything that occupies space and has mass. The particles of matter could be atoms, molecules or ions. It is important to note that the particles that make up all matter vary in their subatomic composition. The number and arrangement of an atom’s particles (neutrons, protons, and electrons) determines the properties of

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SS1 Computer Science First Term: Computer Output Devices

Definition of Computer Output Devices  Computer Output Devices are various types of computer hardware which uses data and commands from the computer itself to perform assigned  tasks. In other words, the output devices facilitate data processing by carrying out commands given by the computer. They convert electronically-generated information into human-readable forms. Types of Computer Output Devices  There are three

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SS1 Biology Second Term: Reproduction

What is Reproduction? Reproduction is defined as the ability of living organisms to give rise to new individuals of the same species. The purpose of reproduction is to ensure the continuity of life. Sexual Reproduction  Sexual reproduction involving the fusion of female gamete (ovum) and male gamete (spermatozoon), which forms a zygote that potentially develops

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SS1 Biology Second Term: Concept Of Culturing

Concept Of Culturing   Culturing simply involves the techniques of growing micro-organisms in special media in the laboratory. It involves the making of sterile medium, inoculating, incubating and examining micro-organisms. By this means, micro-organism characteristics such as colour, pattern of growth and appearance can be seen. Culture of micro-organisms can be grown from water, air,

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