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June 5, 2017

SS2 Financial Accounting Third Term: Company Formation

Introduction to Company Formation Company Formation is all about the process of founding (i.e., incorporating) a new business enterprise. It is also sometimes called company registration. Company Formation can also be defined as the procedures undertaken to register a business enterprise as a limited company and give it a legal status. In other words, a business becomes

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SS2 Government Third Term: Second Republic Political Parties In Nigeria

-National Party of Nigeria(NPN)-Organizational Structure The party’s beginning could be traced to private and sometimes secret meetings among key Northern Nigerian leaders after the proscription of political parties in 1966 by the military regimes of Johnson Aguiyi-Ironsi and General Yakubu Gowon. A few members of the proscribed parties based in the Northern section of Nigeria

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SS2 Government Third Term: Development Of Political Parties In Nigeria/Colonial Era And First Republic

The Northern People’s Congress (NPC)-Organizational Structure In December , 1949, a cultural organisation known as Jamiyar Mutanen Arewa was founded in the North. This cultural organization was in 1951 transformed into a political party known as Northern People’s Congress (NPC). The leadership of the of the NPC was placed on Alhaji Ahmadu Bello and he

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JSS3 Mathematics Third Term: Rational and Non-Rational Numbers

Rational Numbers We can write numbers such as 8, 4½, 1/5, 0.211, √49/16, 0.3 as exact fractions or ratios: 8/1, 9/2, 1/5, 211/1 000, 7/4, 1/3. Such numbers are called rational numbers. Numbers which cannot be written as exact fractions are called non-fractional numbers, or irrational numbers. √7 is an example of a non-rational number.

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