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June 12, 2017

SS2 Computer Science Third Term – Application Software

Computer Science SS1  Third Term Week 6 Topic: Application Software APPLICATION SOFTWARE Application software is any tool that functions and is operated by the means of a computer with the purpose of supporting or improving the software user’s work. It is used for the implementation of the computer user’s work.  TYPES OF APPLICATION SOFTWARE It is divided into

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SS1 Biology Third Term – Functioning Ecosystem

Biology SS 1 Third Term Week 7 Topic: Functioning Ecosystem Introduction An ecosystem is a basic functioning unit in nature. It is made up of living organisms (plants and animals) and their non-living environment. The biotic or living components such as the producers and consumers interact in their environment resulting in the ecosystem being a

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JSS1 Home Economics Third Term: The Impact of Family Values on Lifestyle

What is Value?  Value is the worth placed on item, Values are beliefs, feelings or ideas of what is important, desirable and good. Lifestyle is the particular way of life of a person, family or a nation. Types of Values Intrinsic Value: These are values that are important for their own sake. Examples are, love, freedom,

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JSS1 Business Studies Third Term: Limited Liability Company

Meaning of a Limited Liability Company Limited Liability Companies is usually formed by people who contribute to a common purse for the purpose of making running a business enterprise with the aim of making a profit. The contribution made by each person is called shares; a person who contributes his shares is then referred to

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SS1 Civic Education Third Term: Project Work

Agencies Responsible for Protection of Human Rights Some of the agencies responsible for the protection of human rights in Nigeria include: Constitutional Rights Project – founded in 1990 to promote rule of law in Nigeria. Nigerian Center for Human Rights and Development – founded in 1995 to promote democracy and enforcement of rights. Human Rights

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SS1 Chemistry Third Term: Hydrocarbons

Introduction Hydrocarbons are any organic compounds that contain only carbon and hydrogen Hydrocarbons are energy-rich because of their high carbon content. They are burned in oxygen (combustion) to release their energy. Crude oil, or petroleum, is the main source of liquid hydrocarbons. Crude oil is a mixture of various hydrocarbons, which can be separated via

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