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June 16, 2017

SS 2 Mathematics Third Term: Problem Solving on Number Bases Expansion, Conversion and Relationship

Converting from Base b to Base 10 The next natural question is: how do we convert a number from another base into base 10? For example, what does 42015 mean? Just like base 10, the first digit to the left of the decimal place tells us how many 50’s we have, the second tells us how

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SS2 Financial Accounting Third Term: Loan Capital-Debenture Types

What is Loan Capital? Loan Capital is the part of a company’s capital that is not equity capital but earns a fixed rate of interest instead of dividends, and must be repaid within a specified period; irrespective of the company’s financial position. Loan capital may be obtained from a bank or finance company in the

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SS1 Government Third Term: Factors Working against the Success of Pressure Groups

Introduction Most pressure groups have a variety of goals and make a variety of compromises as part of their on-going negotiations and campaigning. For some groups, success may just be ensuring that rival groups do not achieve some of their objectives. Political Culture This is the extent to which pressure group activity is regarded as

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SS2 Financial Accounting Third Term: Purchase of Business- Format Preparation of new Business Account

Introduction Purchase of business is the process of acquisition of old business by a company. Promoters can acquire a business and sell it to another company at a profit. The persons who sells the business is another company is called the “vendor”. The money paid by the purchaser is called “purchase price”, the purchase of

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SS 1 Third Term Mathematics Week 6 Topic: Statistics Collection and Presentation of Data Introduction To derive conclusions from data, we need to know how the data were collected; that is, we need to know the method(s) of data collection. Methods of Data Collection There are four main methods of data collection. Census. A census


SS1 Computer Science Third Term: How The Internet Works

Computer Science SS1 Third Term Week 1 Topic: HOW THE INTERNET WORKS HOW THE INTERNET WORKS On the internet, data and information are transferred world wide through the servers and clients (which are computers) connected to the internet. The computers which are responsible for management of resources i.e program and data on a network, by providing

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JSS1 Agricultural Science Third Term: Pests of Crop Plants (I)

Introduction A pest can be classified as any organism capable of causing damage to crop plant. Pest are animals, insects, germs or other organisms that interfere with plant growth. They may bite, destroy food crops or damage farmland produce. Types of Crop Pest There are six classes – Insects – birds – rodents – monkeys – nematodes –

JSS1 Agricultural Science Third Term: Pests of Crop Plants (I) Read More »

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