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June 22, 2017

SS2 Mathematics Third Term: Revision: Trigonometrical Ratios

Introduction to Trigonometric Ratios Trigonometry is the study of triangles in relation to their sides and angles and many other areas which find applications in many disciplines. In particular, trigonometry functions have come to play great roles in science. For example, in physics, it is used when we want to analyse different kinds of waves, […]

SS2 Mathematics Third Term: Revision: Trigonometrical Ratios Read More »

JSS1 Home Economics Third Term: Puberty, Personal Hygiene and Adolescence

INTRODUCTION At about ten to fourteen years of age, different changes take place in the body of both boys and girls. These changes are signs of puberty. A. WHAT IS PUBERTY? Puberty is the short span of time which marks the beginning of sexual maturation. This period differs in both boys and girls. Boys gradually

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JSS1 English Language Third Term: Argumentative Essay and the use of “how”

Grammar- Interrogative Adverb (the use of “how”) Meaning of Argumentative Essay: It requires the student to investigate a topic; collect, generate, and evaluate evidence; and establish a position on the topic in a concise manner. General Approach Two things need to be planned out: a. The arguments – for and against. We call these the

JSS1 English Language Third Term: Argumentative Essay and the use of “how” Read More »

JSS2 Computer Science Third Term: How The Internet Works

Topic: HOW THE INTERNET WORKS HOW THE INTERNET WORKS On the internet, data and information are transferred world wide through the servers and clients (which are computers) connected to the internet. The computers which are responsible for management of resources i.e program and data on a network, by providing a centralized storage area, is called

JSS2 Computer Science Third Term: How The Internet Works Read More »

JSS2 Civic Education Third Term: Constitutional Development

Topic: Constitutional Development In Nigeria Meaning of Constitution Constitution can be defined as the fundamental law written or unwritten, which establishes the character of a government. A constitution defines the basic principles which all citizens must conform to. It prescribes the extent and manner of the exercise of a nation’s sovereign power.  A constitution is

JSS2 Civic Education Third Term: Constitutional Development Read More »

JSS2 Agricultural Science Third Term: Preservation of Farm Produce for Marketing

Topic: Preservation of Farm Produce for Marketing Introduction One of the greatest problems facing most Nigerian farmers is how to preserve their farm produce after harvesting. Most of the farm produce whether livestock or crops are perishable.To reduce wastage due to spoilage, farmers employ different methods to preserve their products until they are consumed or sent

JSS2 Agricultural Science Third Term: Preservation of Farm Produce for Marketing Read More »

JSS2 English Language Third Term: Figure of speech (Hyperbole) and Reported Speech

Content Figure of Speech- Hyperbole Reported Speech The Hyperbole Hyperbole is derived from a Greek word meaning “over-casting” is a figure of speech, which involves an exaggeration of ideas for the sake of emphasis. It is a device that we employ in our day-to-day speech. For instance, when you meet a friend after a long

JSS2 English Language Third Term: Figure of speech (Hyperbole) and Reported Speech Read More »

JSS1 Social Studies Third Term: Social Order- Leadership and Followership [I]

Who is a Leader? A leader is a person or a group of persons that direct and guide other people or a body of organization to achieve a common goal. A leader is a person who allocates task, co-ordinates, instructs and energize other people by successfully carrying out certain task. a leader shows the way

JSS1 Social Studies Third Term: Social Order- Leadership and Followership [I] Read More »

JSS1 Civic Education Third Term: Living in Peace and Harmony with our Neighbours and Peers

What does it mean to live in peace with others? Living in peace is a way of life in which we respect and love each other in spite of our cultural, religious, and political differences. Inwardly, we all need to search our hearts and minds and understand the fear that causes violence and decide to

JSS1 Civic Education Third Term: Living in Peace and Harmony with our Neighbours and Peers Read More »

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