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2022 Civic Education Lesson Note for First Term SS1

Lesson Note for First Term SS1












Lesson note on civic education for SS 1 First Term

Below are the 2022 civic education lesson notes for SS 1 First term

Week 1

 Topic: Introduction to Civic Education


  • Meaning and Needs for Civic Education
  • Objectives/Reasons for Civic Education in Schools
  • Importance of Civic Education/Agents of Civic Education

Meaning and Needs for Civic Education

Civic education was coined from citizenship education, which simply means educational and learning activities specifically meant to create awareness, and teach good values, attitudes and behaviour acceptable to the society where individual lives.

It is therefore a type of educational and learning activity to create awareness in students at all levels of education (both informal and formal). To learn more, Click here.

Week 2

Topic: Values


  • Definition of Value and its Sources
  • Types of Basic Human Values
  • Kinds of Values

Meaning of value

Value can simply be defined as the worth of a thing; it is the act of considering (someone or something) to be important or beneficial.

Value is seen as the normal principles and standards which guide our interaction with people in society. It has a way of influencing people’s behaviour and attitude. Value in civic education enables us to know things that are good and beneficial to individuals and society at large.

Types of Basic Human Values

There are many types of value which are:

  1. Justice: Justice as a type of value is the quality of being just, righteous, equitable and upright. It is based on moral rightness based on ethics, nationality, law, religion and uprightness.

To learn more, Click here.

Week 3

Topic: Values (Cont’d)


  • Acceptable Societal Values
  • Different Individual Values and the Importance of Values
  • Opportunities to defend Oneself and Factors that Promote good Value System

Acceptable Societal Value

Ordinarily value means belief about what is right and wrong and what is important in life. Social value means the norms or forms of behavior which are widely acceptable and admirable in society. Social are the root of all virtues that pave the way for the harmony of a society. It is the social values that are the key to the development of a society. With social values, a person shapes up as a good human being and plays an important role in society’s development. That can be beneficial for the society as well as that particular individual. Thus if every individual develops good social values and play crucial role in the society’s development with those values, that will be of maximum benefit to that particular society. To learn more, Click here.

Week 4

Topic: Community Services and its Values


  • Community Services and its Values
  • Practical Involvement in the community Services
  • Project Work

Community Services and its Values

Community service is the activity performed by someone or a group of people for the benefit of a community, so as to see to the development and progress of the society for the purpose of bringing development in the environment. It is a way by which people complement the government for the work done by them; it’s a way of contributing their own quota to the development of the state.

To learn more, Click here.



  • Meaning of HIV/AIDS and its Differences
  • Cause drivers and mode of transmission of HIV/AIDS
  • Signs, Symptoms and Effects of HIV/AIDS

Meaning of HIV/AIDS

The first recognized cases of AIDS occurred in the USA in the early 1980s. HIV is a lentivirus, and like all viruses of this type, it attacks the immune system. Lentiviruses are in turn part of a larger group of viruses known as retroviruses. The name ‘lentivirus’ literally means ‘slow virus’ because they take such a long time to produce any adverse effects in the body. They have been found in a number of different animals, including cats, sheep, horses and cattle.

HIV means Human Immune-deficiency Virus and AIDS means Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.

AIDS is a disease of the human system caused by HIV by damaging one’s immune system To learn more, Click here.

Week 6

Topic: HIV/AIDS (Cont’d)


  • Preventive Measures of HIV/AIDS
  • How to care for people with HIV/AIDS
  • The stigmatisation of PLWHA (People Living With HIV/AIDS)
  • Meaning of HIV/AIDS Stigmatisation

Preventive Measures of HIV/AIDS

The following are some main ways of preventing the spread of HIV in our community and country. This way often called ‘ABC’ is summarized thus;

  • It stands for complete ABSTINENCE meaning do not engage in sexual act till one is married.
  • It stands for be faithful to one partner especially those that are married and in relationship.
  • It stands for using condoms. This does not mean that sex is recommended for an unmarried person, it is meant for married people to safeguard unwanted pregnancy and for those who cannot abstain from having sex. To learn more, Click here.

Week 7

Topic: Youth Empowerment


  • Definition of the concept of Youth Empowerment
  • Various Youth Empowerment skills
  • Communication Skills
  • Artistic Skills

Definition of Youth Empowerment

Youth empowerment is the processes of making young people gain the ability, authority and the energy to make decision and implement changes in their own lives and the lives of other people.

Youth empowerment is an attitudinal, structural, and cultural process whereby young people gain the ability, authority, and agency to make decisions and implement change in their own lives and the lives of other people, including youth and adults.

Youth empowerment deals with provision of enabling environment which will help young people to make important and vital decision of life by themselves, it is a means of encouraging youths to do great things for themselves and also to make great impart in their society. To learn more, Click here.

Week 8

Topic: Youth Empowerment II


  • Importance and Benefit of Youth Empowerment/Agencies of Empowerment
  • Guiding Students in acquiring a specific skills
  • Roles of Government in providing employment opportunities for youths

Importance and Benefits of Youth Empowerment

The following are benefits of Youth Empowerment

  1. It reduces the level of ignorance and crime among young people
  2. It serves as an opportunity for the youth to develop their skills and talents; thereby making them better people. To learn more, Click here.

Week 9

Topic: Goals of Citizenship Education


  • Meaning of Citizenship, acquisition of citizenship
  • Definition of the goals of citizenship Education
  • Goal of Citizenship Education – Acquisition Knowledge, right attitude, value, etc.
  • Various Laws and Rights of individuals in the Society

Meaning of Citizenship

Citizenship can simply be defined as the legal right that a person has, to belong to a particular country. It is a situation whereby an individual becomes a legitimate member of a country, accepting responsibility and enjoying privileges attached to it. A citizen therefore is a legal member of a given state who possess the legal and natural rights in the state where he or she resides. To learn more, Click here.

Week 10

Topic: Goals of Citizenship Education (Cont’d)


  • Meaning of Government
  • Structures of Government
  • Functions of Government

Meaning Of Government

As An Institution

Government is an agency or machinery through which the will of the state is formulated, expressed and attained. It is the institution which makes and enforces law within the territorial boundaries of the state in order to regulate activities within the state in the interest of the citizens. To learn more, Click here.

Week 11

Topic: Nationalism


  • Definition of Nationalism
  • Types of Nationalism
  • Effects of Nationalism in Nigeria

Definition of Nationalism 

Nationalism can be defined as a certain form of unity which grows out of the historical experience. It is the sense of oneness that emerges from social groups, trying to control their destiny, and environment and defend their interest against competing groups.

National identity is based on history, culture and often language. Nationalism can be seen as the defence of this identity, the defence of the rights of a nation to remain or become a recognized entity. It can be classed as standing against the forces of oppression and tyranny. To learn more, Click here.

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