
2022 Geography Lesson Note for First Term SS1

SS1 First Term Geography Lesson Note 


 Scheme of Work


Week 1 – Introduction to Geography

Week 2 – The solar system

Week 3 – The Earth

Week 4 – Latitude and longitude

Week 5 – Latitude and longitude (Cont’d)

Week 6 – The Earth structure (I)

Week 7 – The Earth structure (II)

Week 8 – Rocks

Week 9 – Basic concept of geographic information system (GIS) 

Week 10 – Major landforms – features

Week 11 – Revision

Week 12 – Examination

Week 13 – Examination


SS1 First Term Geography Lesson Note 

Below are the 2022 complete SS1 First Term Geography Lesson Note 

Week 1 – Introduction to Geography

Overview – Geography is a word that was coined from two greek words “geo”, meaning the earth and “graph” meaning to describe. In simple terms, Geography can be defined as the description of the Earth. It involves studying different people from different locations of the Earth which include: agriculture, mining, fishing, trading, manufacturing and construction. As a subject, Geography deals with the study of man and his activities within his environment. This week, we shall be introduced to the subject of Geography. We shall learn its scope, and relevance. To learn more, Click here…               

Week 2 – The Solar System

Overview – The solar system is a gravitational bound system that comprises the sun and other celestial bodies such as the planets that are bound to it by gravity. The planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. They all move around the sun in elliptical orbits. This week, we shall learn about the solar system and its components. We shall also learn about the planets and their characteristics. To learn more, Click here…               

Week 3 – The Earth

Overview – The Earth is the third planet from the sun in the solar system with only one moon. It is the fifth largest planet in the solar system and is considered to be the only planet that can support human life. It revolves around the sun in its orbit in 3651/2 days and rotates around the sun in 24 hours. The rotation and revolution of the Earth has resulted in some effects. The Earth is considered to be spherical in shape but best described as geiod. There are several pieces of evidence to show that the Earth is spherical. This week, we shall learn about the Earth which is the planet that we humans live in. We shall also learn about evidence/ proof of the Earth’s sphericity, effects of the rotation and revolution of the Earth as well as the differences between revolution and rotation. The Earth is known to experience what we call eclipse which is formed when the three bodies, sun, earth and the moon are in a straight line during the movement of the earth. We shall become knowledgeable about eclipses and the types – solar and lunar eclipse. To learn more, Click here…               

Week 4 – Latitude and Longitude

Overview – In Geography, latitude and longitude are coordinate systems by which the location of a place on the Earth’s surface can be determined. Latitude is the angular distance of a point on the earth’s surface, measured in degree from centre of the earth. Longitude is an angular distance measured in degrees east and west of the Greenwich Meridian.  This week, we shall learn about latitude and longitude, their lines and uses as well as their similarities and differences. To learn more, Click here…  

Complete SS1 Geography Lesson Note First Term


Week 5 – Latitude and Longitude (Cont’d)

Overview – Having bring introduced to latitude and longitude, this week, we shall learn how to calculate distances using the lines of latitude and longitude using the lines of longitude. We shall also learn about international date lines, time and time zones. To learn more, Click here…               

Week 6 – The Earth Structure (I)

Overview – We are familiar with the fact the Earth is the only planet in the solar system that supports the sustenance of human life. It is worth to note that the Earth is has a unique property which is its abundance of water. About 70% of the Earth’s surface is covered by water. The earth’s structure is divided into two Outer structure and Inner structure. This week, we shall learn about the structure of the Earth but our focus will be on the outer structure. The outer structure of the Earth is made up of layers – atmosphere, biosphere, lithosphere and hydrosphere. We shall also learn about the characteristics of these layers and their importance. To learn more, Click here…               

Week 7 – The Earth Structure (II)                                                

Overview – We have learnt about the outer structure of the Earth, this week, we shall learn about the inner structure of Earth. The inner structure of the Earth is made up of the crust mantle and the core. Each of these layers have characteristics that differentiate them from the other. To learn more, Click here…               

Week 8 – Rocks

Overview – A rock is defined as any solid substance that forms part of the earth’s crust. Rocks are made up of several minerals that can be extracted and used for different purposes. Rocks, based on their origin and mode of formation are grouped into three – igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. This week, we shall learn about rocks, their importance, their types and their characteristics. To learn more, Click here…               

Complete SS1 Geography Lesson Note First Term


Week 9 – Basic Concept of Geographic Information System (GIS)

Overview – A geographic information system (GIS) is defined as a system that is designed to capture, store, manipulate, analyze, manage and present all types of spatial or geographical data.  This week, we shall learn about the basic concept of geographic information system (GIS), sources, importance and its uses. To learn more, Click here…                 

Week 10 – Major Landforms – Features

Overview – A landform is a natural feature found on the solid surface of the Earth. The major landforms found on the Earth are mountains, plains and plateau. This week, we shall learn about the major landforms. The focus will be on mountains, its types and their characteristics. To learn more, Click here…               

Week 11 – Revision

Overview – This week, there will be a revision on all the topics covered this term, from learning about the cell to reproductive health.

Week 12 – Examination

Overview – We shall be examined on all we have learnt this term.

Week 13 – Examination

Overview – This week, we shall be examined on all we have learnt this term.





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