
2022 Literature in English Lesson Note for Second Term SS1


Literature in English Lesson Note for Second Term SS1 Scheme of Work






Lesson note on Literature in English for SS1 Second Term


Below are the 2022 Literature in English lesson notes for SS 1 Second term

Week 1& 2

Topic: General characteristics of prose writing

Content:Narrative Devices in Literature

The major characteristic of prose work is the use of narrative devices such as flashback. Others include: a. the introduction of conflict. b. the use of chapters and paragraphs c. the use of characters.

Narrative Devices in Literature

A writer adopts different strategies to tell his story. Devices in literature include:

  1. Foreshadowing: Foreshadowing is a device used to describe events that are yet to happen in the story.
  2. Monologue: Monologue is a device adopted to reveal the inner mind of a character. It is classified into two:(a) aside  (b) soliloquy. An aside occurs when a character talks to himself in the presence of the audience, but the other cast in the play do not hear, even if they heard what was said, they acted otherwise. On the other hand, soliloquy happens when a character talks to him only when other casts are not around, here, it is only the audience that listens to him.
  3. Suspense: Suspense is a device used to reduce already built-up tension. It can be done by introducing a jester or deviate from the expectations of the audience. To learn more, Click here

Week 3

Topic: Forms of Literature


  1. Forms of Literature
  2. Meaning of tragedy
  3. Characteristics of tragedy
  4. Meaning of comedy
  5. Characteristics of comedy

The forms of literature are classified into two:

  1. Tragedy
  2. Comedy.


It has an elevated diction and action, but with an unhappy ending. It begins in a good note, but ends on a very sad note. The disaster is usually targeted at the hero. Sometimes, his down fall is attributed to his inability to control his weakness (tragic flaw)

Characteristics of Tragedy

  1. The writer makes efforts to arouse his reader’s curiosity.
  2. There is the presence of irony which could be verbal or dramatic
  3. There is conflict as a result of struggle between the opposing forces. To learn more, Click here

Week 4

TopicLiterary Terms

These are terms that we make use of when appreciating any literary work. They are tools for literary analysis. Literary Devices refers to the typical structures used by writers in their works to convey his or her messages in a simple manner to the readers.  When employed properly, the different literary devices help readers to appreciate, interpret and analyze a literary work. Below is a list of literary devices with detailed definition and examples.

They include:

  1. A foil character: It is a character that contrasts with, .and sets off the qualities of another character.
  2. Aesthetics: It is the study of the beautiful work of art in literature.
  3. Allegory: It is a narrative in which action, character and the setting is depictions created to make sense on another level of events, character and actions.
  4. Alliteration:  It is the repetition of consonant sounds within a piece of poem.
  5. Cast: It refers to the collective term used to refer to all the actors/actresses in a play.
  6. Costumes: They are clothes which the characters put on while on the stage.
  7. Theme: It is the central idea, which envelopes any piece of art. To learn more, Click here

Week 5

Topic: Literary Terms (II) For previous notes on “Literary Terms” see:

  1. Plot: It is the arrangement of actions in any literary work.
  2. Epilogue: It is the speech made at the end of any work of art, particularly a play.
  3. Prologue: It is the speech made at the beginning of any piece of work, particularly a play.
  4. Audience: It  is a name given to a collection of people watching performance of a play on stage.
  5. Antagonist: It is the character that stands in opposition to the protagonist.
  6. Characters: They are the human, non-human or supernatural beings that perform all the events that take place in a prose, drama or poetry.
  7. Synopsis: It is the summary of a literary work. To learn more, Click here

Week 5

Topic: Drama


  • Meaning of drama
  • Types of dram
  • Literary terms in drama

Meaning of drama

Drama is a general name for that genre of literature which concerns itself with the dramatization of experience. It is an exciting, emotional, or unexpected series of events or set of circumstances. It is a representative of human action

A person who writes drama is playwright.

Types of drama

  1. Comedy: This refers to a drama as opposed to tragedy, usually provoking a light atmosphere  and which after ends on a happy note
  2. Tragedy: This is often regarded as the opposite of comedy. It is a drama from whose atmosphere is usually serious and tense and ends with an unhappy ending. In most cases it involves death.
  3. Tragi-comedy: It is a play which harbors both elements of tragedy and comedy and often ends on happy note.
  4. Farce: It is a comic drama with no seriousness; it is extremely humorous and often with very ridiculous characters. To learn more, Click here

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