
4 Ways To Actually Use The Internet For Good

Social networks, such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. are readily accessible through every platform nowadays due to the advancement of technology. We use our phones, computers and tablets to check Facebook, Instagram and Twitter during awkward silences and moments in our lives or even when we are just bored.

The Internet is an absolutely amazing resource, and here are my top 4 tips on how we can harness the power of the Internet, specifically social networks, in a positive way.

1. Post Uplifting, Meaningful Messages and Photos
On Instagram, we see a lot of pictures of girls and boys with either new clothes, the newest food trend, cars or makeup… and if you haven’t noticed, there is a pattern here. We’re growing up in a culture that is dominated by the need for more materialistic goods and an instinct to share nearly everything we purchase to our social networks. This only reinforces a need to buy more and spend more, and whether we admit it or not, it is subconsciously ingrained into our minds. However, can we use this “trend” in a positive way? Yes. Some tips are to share pictures of amazing scenery and activities that reinforce ideas of spending time with those you love (taking a break from technology of course), empowerment, education and happiness through moments and experiences shared, rather than obtaining or buying this item or that.

2. News and Knowledge
Our generation now more than ever needs to be informed of current world events, news, politics and government. I understand… that watching an episode of MTN Project Fame         is more entertaining than scrolling through a news feed of stories in politics and international affairs that will make you angry within 5 minutes. Even if you do get inspired & become well informed, you might get frustrated when you read about all these issues that have no easy answers. I’m here to tell you that it is okay. Just being aware of issues, such as global warming, corporate manipulation and mental health is already a great start. When we read about these issues, we’ll be encouraged to share and make change. We are the future, and it starts today.

3. Creative Inspiration
Whenever you’re feeling a little down or you have some free time, I highly suggest taking that down time to make a DIY out of anything. By doing so, you’re using these simple everyday tools, such as a Xacto knife or a plain T-shirt, and creating something beautiful out of it, and it really emphasizes to me, personally, the importance of taking time for yourself and being able to see the beauty in things that not everyone sees. In addition, the things you create may not look perfect or come out of a store, but you made it with your own hands, and just in that itself, it is beautiful. And so are you. Never compare yourself to a Photoshopped image from a magazine or a superficial societal ideal.

4. Mental and Physical Change
If you’re having a difficult time or struggle in dealing with an issue in your life, there are plenty of websites, applications and forums (e.g., Passnownow School Forum) that you can use to heal and recover. You can find fitness groups, literally groups about anything, and being able to find a community of individuals who are like-minded as you and share the same passions or interests as you that no one else you know might have, you will realize that with every opinion on every matter, you aren’t alone and there are people to help you with whatever journey you need.

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