
6 Amazing Facts You Never Knew About Your Poop

The word “poop” is just naturally a ‘disgusting word’. Maybe we’re all secretly immature and can’t handle bodily functions, but seriously – try to show me one person who has felt so comfy discussing his/her poop in public. You can’t.

Look, everybody poops. That’s a fact. That is how bodies work. Sure, it’s funny, but let’s not sit here and be embarrassed about our bodies and faeces. When it comes to poop, it’s important to be informed. Our bodies tell us things, and you can actually find out if you’re really sick or not through your faeces. So check out these amazing facts about poop you didn’t know until right now:

Your Poop Is GOLD

According to an eight-year study, apparently your poop is a goldmine. Kathleen Smith of the U.S. Geological Survey said, “The gold we found was at the level of a minimal mineral deposit.” Are you kidding?! Another study by Arizona State University discovered, “a city of 1 million inhabitants flushed about $13m worth of precious metals down toilets and sewer drains each year.” So there’s basically millions of Naira floating around in our sewers, and no one is doing anything about it. Science says it wouldn’t be the most pleasant thing to sift through a bunch of sewage sludge (obviously), but it is actually safer and easier to do than mining. A treatment plant in Tokyo has already started doing this and has reported yielding more than leading gold mines!

Your Poop Is Mostly Water

Your poop is made up of mostly water. Seriously, about 3/4 of your faeces is comprised of water. That’s another reason why you should drink more of it! Keep your stool healthy.

Related Article: What does your poo say about YOU?

And Bacteria

The rest of your faeces is made up of bacteria and indigestible substances like cellulose and fibre. You always hear about people saying everyone needs fibre in their diet, and it’s true! Fibre isn’t digestible, but it keeps everything solid, healthy, and easy to pass in your intestines.

Your Stool Gets Its Colour From Red Blood Cells

Why is poop brown, you ask? Well, it’s because there are a lot of dead red blood cells in there. Faeces contains bilirubin, which is a pigment from red blood cells that break down in the liver and bone marrow and end up in your intestines.

Related Article: 10 Very Funny, Interesting Facts About Farts

And Colour DOES Matter

But you probably know that your poop doesn’t always look like the emoji. If you’re seeing other colours, there are a few reasons. If it’s black, you could have an ulcer so you should get to the doctor. If it’s green, you probably have ingestion of a lot of leafy greens or an excess of iron. If you’re seeing anything yellow, you may have an infection. Red faeces can occur from ingesting foods with a lot of red dye

Women Poop Differently Than Men

Men and women’s digestive tracks are pretty different because ladies have, you know, uterus. Ladies intestines are longer and don’t have ridges that help move things along so it takes them longer to digest things, making them more prone to bloating and constipation.


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