
7 Things You Should Never Let Your Friends Do To You

I love my best friends, and trust them more than most people in this world. I would do anything for them… but that doesn’t mean I would let them do absolutely anything for me. When it comes to friends doing things for one another, there is a line that should never be crossed.

Here are 7 things you should never let your friends do to you no matter what. Allowing them to do this stuff will either mess up something important, or cause a rift in your friendship, or maybe even both. You’ve been warned!

Tell You What To Wear and How To Act

A friend can give her opinions on what you do and how you look, but she shouldn’t ever try to control you. For the girls, don’t let a BFF tell you what you can and can’t wear, or what you should and shouldn’t do. It’s important for you to be your own person no matter how close you two are.

Put You In Dangerous Situations

I know you’ve heard this from teachers, parents and family members, but seriously: don’t let a close friend put you in a bad situation. Don’t let a friend talk you into doing something illegal that you’re not comfortable doing. Don’t let a friend drag you along with something that is going to hurt you in the end. Use your own judgment.

Blackmail You

Okay, if a friend is blackmailing you… that person is not your friend. Seriously. No true friend would do this to someone. So if this is happening to you, tell that person to eff off and get out of their life.

Give You A Tattoo

If you ever want to get a Tattoo (I strongly oppose teens getting tattoos), you should never let anyone except a professional tattoo artist tattoo you. Please never let an inexperienced friend do this to you. I don’t want to sound like your mum, but tattoos are permanent! You have to live with it forever! Do you want to live with a crappy tattoo that a friend gave you? Do you want to have to explain that to people in the future? Doubtful.

Make Fun Of You All The Time

Best friends joke around with each other all the time. My friends and I lovingly call each other “Dumb Heads.” We all make fun of each other in a loving way. But there’s a difference between doing that, and flat out being mean to someone. Your friend shouldn’t be making fun of you the entire time you’re together. S/he shouldn’t be making fun of you to other people. S/he shouldn’t be regularly hurting your feelings and making you feel bad about yourself. That’s called a frenemy, and it’s not okay.

Pierce You

Just like with tattoos, you should only let a professional pierce you. There are too many ways this can go wrong. You can easily get badly infected. It can hurt REALLY bad when an inexperienced person pierces you. It’s just not a good idea. Why have a friend do it when you could go to the mall and get it done?

Peer Pressure You

Peer pressure in general sucks, but it sucks even more when it’s a close friend doing it to you. In high school, I had a friend who would constantly pressure me to drink as much as he did even though I wasn’t a drinker. It got to the point where it was so annoying that I stopped hanging out with him. Don’t let your friends peer pressure you. If they won’t stop, tell them it’s affecting your friendship and they need to respect you. True friends will respect your choices.

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