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10 Things Almost Everyone Hates But Pretends To Like

One of the most popular and often-quoted mantras is “Honesty is the best policy.” But what if you get so busy trying to be nice and cordial that you’re not even honest with yourself? It happens. All your life, you’ve been nodding your head in agreement and saying you like to do things or go places, when you really just don’t.

A recent Quora thread had people list things they (and most people) pretend so hard to like. We took some of their answers and added our own to create a list of ten things you only fake enjoying. So, take a look at this list, realize all the things in life you’re lying to yourself (and others) about, and wonder just what you’re going to do about it.

1. HONESTY: Oh, the irony! While you wish you could be honest about your friend’s sartorial choices, you actually hate when other people tell you the truth about yourself. Because the truth hurts. And that’s a pain you would like to avoid at all costs.

2. ARTS: Sure, those paint smears on that canvas are “open to interpretation.” But how much time have you spent “interpreting” what they mean?

3. READING: What’s your favorite Shakespeare play? You may say “Hamlet,” but you know that the real answer is “none.”

4. BORING TV PROGRAMMES: Yeah, you act like you really enjoy watching “Talk Show,” but you know the whole time you were desperately wanting to change the channel to “Reality show.”

5. READING POPULAR BORING BOOKS: You forced yourself to almost finish “Infinite Jest” just to sound intelligent around all your other friends who also pretended to actually finish the book.

6. WORKING IN A GROUP: Everyone tries to act so pumped about teamwork and getting things done together, but think back to all those times you had to do a group project in high school and college. There was always that one person who ended up doing all the work. Who was that one person? You, of course.

7. SOMEONE ELSE’s SUCCESS: Your life is pretty much a “mess” but your best friend just got the best grades, got a raise and just got admitted into the university of your dreams. You’re so happy for her. Yes, you’re happy, but mostly envious.

8. YOUR FRIEND’S OUTFIT: Your friend: What do you think of these shoes?
You: They are absolutely hideous and I would never wear them.

That’s what you wish you could say in a situation like that. But you know you can’t.

9. EXERCISE: You’re afraid to be the one who speaks up during the “running conversation” and say that you actually dread tying up your sneakers and getting going on that run. Be brave though, because you’re definitely not the only one thinking that.

10. MEETING YOUR FRIEND’S FAMILY: You get along great with the new people most of the time, but you can’t shake that feeling that they are totally judging you. That’s because they are.

Do you agree with this list? Perhaps you’d love to add more. Leave your comments below.

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