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6 Dating Scenarios Girls Should Never Feel Guilty About

It is scientifically proven that girls apologise more than men – and based on the people I know, I think it’s completely accurate. I am constantly hearing my girl friends apologising for things they don’t need to be apologising for. I always hear my girl friends talk about how they feel guilty for not kissing a guy after he took her out on a date, or how they feel bad for rejecting someone they’re not interested in. On the other hand, I almost never hear dudes apologising for things like not being able to hang out. I almost never hear a guy say he feels guilty about not wanting to hook up with a girl.

Things shouldn’t be this way! While there are, of course, things that girls should feel guilty about, there are also plenty of things that they don’t need to feel guilty for… especially when it comes to dating. As a girl, you need focus on yourself and your happiness first and foremost. Here are 10 dating scenarios girls should never feel guilty about. 

Rejecting Someone

There is nothing wrong with rejecting people. If you don’t like someone, that’s okay. You don’t have to like everyone who shows interest in you.

Rejecting A Close Friend

A lot of you write in questions about feeling too guilty to reject a close friend. I get where you’re coming from, but again, this isn’t something you should feel guilty about. Please don’t make him feel like you’re “friend zoning” him. You’re just not interested, and that’s fine. There is a nice way to reject a friend, and that doesn’t make you a bad person.

Wearing Whatever You Want

I hate those articles that are like, “Here’s what guys want you to wear on a first date!” Guess what? When you go on a date, you should stick to your personal style and not feel guilty about it.

Paying For The Date… Or Not Paying

It’s 2014… if you want to pay, or split the bill in half, you can. You don’t have to feel bad about it. At the same time, you don’t have to feel bad if he wants to pay and you allow him to. That doesn’t make you any less of a feminist or anything like that.

Saying No To Sexual Things

I know we always say this, but seriously: it’s okay to say no. You don’t have to have sex with anyone. You can say no all you want, regardless of whether you’ve been dating four months or four years. You say yes only when you’re ready, and don’t let anyone make you feel badly about that.

Not Hooking Up After He Takes You On A Date

I hate when guys expect girls to hook up with them just because they took her out on a date or something. If you ask someone on a date and offer to pay, what makes you think I owe you something? It’s ridiculous. Don’t feel like you have to kiss him just because he took you out. That’s not how dating works.

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