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Can A Guy & A Girl Really Be Just Friends? 8 Reasons It’s Hard To Stay Platonic

Let’s discuss one of the more controversial topics when it comes to relationships: can guys and girls be just friends? Can there be a 100 percent platonic relationship between two heterosexual members of the opposite sex without it leading to something more? Regardless of what you think, one thing is for sure: it’s hard to maintain a friendship with a dude when you’re a girl. Here are 8 reasons why:

One Of You Will Probably Develop Feelings

Let’s just start with the cold, hard truth (that many people don’t want to face, but I digress): In a relationship between two heterosexual members of the opposite sex, one of you will eventually more than likely develop feelings for the other one. It’s how life works. In many cases, it will be the dude. In other words, every guy who is just your friend would want some romance if given the chance. That is not platonic. If you guys spend a lot of time together and get close, odds are, one of you will develop a little crush.

Everyone Will Always Ask If You’re Dating

Let’s put aside the inevitable crush/attraction thing and focus on how other people make a friendship like this difficult. When you’re just friends with an opposite sex, you’ll run into the issue of everyone ever asking if you guys are dating. And when you say no, they’ll be like, “Whaaaat?” It will get annoying fast. Stuff like that is kind of awkward and can definitely make things weird.

Significant Others Will Get Jealous

This one is a definite. When you’re a girl, and your best friend is a guy, you’ll run into some issues when you start dating someone. Your significant other is definitely going to be at least a little bit jealous about your very close friendship with a member of the opposite sex. It’s bound to happen. Just like if your best guy friend starts dating a girl – she’ll get jealous of his relationship with you. That kind of thing can put a serious strain on your friendship and your relationship.

Some Things Will Be Awkward

Being close friends with a member of the opposite sex will bring along some awkward moments. When you’re with your girl friends as a lady, you can talk and get advice about periods and other vaginal stuff… you can change in front of each other with no problem… you can cuddle in bed without any thought that someone might try something. While that stuff is not impossible to do with a guy, it is definitely a little bit uncomfortable. It’s a different kind of friendship, and that dynamic might make things difficult sometimes.

Everyone You Know Will Pressure You To Date

Not only will everyone ask you two if you’re dating, but you’ll also have to deal with other friends and family members pressuring you guys to become an item.

A Random Hookup Can Happen and Ruin Everything

If you two spend a lot of alone time together, there are ample chances for some hooking up to happen – even if you totally never meant for it to happen. Once that occurs, it’s really hard to make things go back to normal, even if it meant nothing to either of you. I’m not saying this happens in every guy/girl friendship, because it doesn’t. But it could!

There Is Inevitable Jealousy

There is jealousy in every type of relationship, even in your friendship with your best girl friend. So it’s inevitable that there will be jealousy in a guy/girl friendship as well. Except here, it’s more complicated. If he gets a new GF and stops spending as much time as you, and you say you’re mad at him for that, his new GF will almost surely be like, “OMG I told you, she likes you!” See what I’m saying?

Science Says It’s Basically Impossible

I know science isn’t always right, but seriously: even researchers say it’s almost impossible for guys and girls to be just friends. A year ago, a study came out that said that guys and girls can’t be just friends without the possibility of a romance lurking around them. The researchers found that, in the majority of the cases, the females didn’t have feelings for their guy friends – but the guys had feelings for the females, and the females had no idea. Interesting.

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