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What To Do When Your BF/GF Accuses You Of Cheating… But You’re Not

When you’re in a relationship and you’re faithful, being accused of cheating really stings. It makes you feel like you’re doing something wrong when you’re not and it can also really hurt your feelings. And sometimes, if a guy is really convinced that you are cheating, it doesn’t matter what you say or do to convince him otherwise. So how should you handle a situation like this? Read on for 8 tips on how to deal when your boyfriend accuses you of cheating.

Try Not To Get Too Mad Or Defensive

We all get jealous once in a while, so if your friend asks you one time if you’re cheating because of something that may have happened, try to be a little understanding. If s/he starts asking constantly or doesn’t seem to trust you at all, then you can get mad. But if this is just a one-time thing, try to keep your anger in check. Also, don’t get super defensive – sometimes, people might take that to mean you have a reason to be so defensive.

Ask Him/Her Why He Thinks You’re Cheating

Why is your boy/girlfriend accusing you of cheating? Did this come out of nowhere? Did s/he catch you doing something? Ask him exactly why s/he thinks you’re cheating – and then ask him to list the reasons s/he thinks you would cheat. Sometimes we get really jealous and jump to conclusions and, once in a while, all it takes is being reminded that the person you’re with would never do that to you.

Talk To Him/Her About It, Then Drop It

If this is a one-time thing, talk it out with him. Remind him you love him, you care about him, you would never hurt him that way. Then drop it. Don’t keep bringing it up. After you say what you want to say, let him know that you’re not talking about this anymore because it’s actually hurting your feelings that he would think something like that. If he continues to bring it up constantly? Something bigger needs to happen, because that’s not cool.

Consider How You’re Acting

Seriously look at how you’ve been acting lately – is there anything you’ve been doing that would make your boy/girlfriend feel this way? Have you been flirting, even innocently, with anyone? Do you talk to any other guys? I’m not accusing you of cheating, but sometimes we do things that we don’t realize are hurting other people. You could be doing something to make him/her feel this way without even knowing it.

Take A Look At How S/He’s Acting

You also need to really take a look at your boy/girlfriend. I don’t want to alarm you, but sometimes a sign that someone is cheating is if they accuse their significant others of cheating. Sounds weird, right? It’s their guilty conscience coming out and it happens all the time. Don’t get too suspicious, but if you felt like s/he might have been being unfaithful before, this could mean s/he’s cheating.

Realize You Can’t Force Him/Her To Think Something

At the end of the day, you need to come to terms with the fact that you can’t force your boy/girlfriend to believe you. If s/he won’t stop accusing you of cheating, this is a problem s/he’s having – probably too insecure and jealous. It’s not your fault and you need to realize you’re not the one who’s wrong.

Take A Serious Look At Your Relationship

If your friend keeps accusing you of cheating, really think about what kind of relationship you’re in. This can be a sign of possessive, manipulative behaviour from someone who is jealous, insecure and controlling. None of these are good things to find in a boy/girlfriend.

Consider Ending Things

If s/he really won’t stop accusing you, it might be time to think about breaking up. Trust is an essential part of any relationship and if your friend doesn’t trust you, things are never going to progress or get better. S/He needs to work out his/her issues on his/her own and you deserve someone who will trust you and believe in you.

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