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Girl Talk: 5 Signs He’s Looking For Sex Under The Cover Of A Date

Dating is a complete NO for teens especially those who are still in secondary school. However it’s good for every teenage girl to be aware of predators so as not to fall for their antics.

The bitter truth is that sex is usually the main thing almost every guy has in mind when inviting a girl for a date. There are sincere dudes though – unfortunately there are only few of such. If you want to find out if your date is looking to get busy at the end of the date, check out these signs:

He Uses Casual And Vague Wording

If you’re talking to someone–whether via text, phone or in person– and they drop a lot of vague wording, that’s a sign they’re not trying to commit. He might say that he’s not looking for something serious or that he’s trying to “have a good time,” which is a sign that he’s probably looking to hook up.

He Asks Sexual Questions Before The Date

Texting before a date is perfectly normal and is a great way to get the conversation going before the date actually happens. However, they should be typical “get-to-know-you” questions. If he’s asking you what turns you on, or virginity status or pointed sexual questions before your date, he’s trying to hookup.

He Invites You Over Versus Taking You Out

If a guy invites you over to his place to “hang out” versus taking you somewhere, you better believe he’s trying to get in your pants. I don’t care if he’s the greatest chef in the world and wants to cook you a nice meal. A “date” at his home especially when his parents are not around might end in disaster.

He Touches You A Lot

Touching on a date is pretty normal since it’s a good indicator to let someone know you’re into them. But be aware of the kind of touching. Trying to hold your hand or gently touching your shoulder is one thing. Grabbing your thigh or the small of your back is a pretty solid “I want you in bed” move. Just make the first move by running away!

He Doesn’t Really Pay Attention

There’s a difference between a guy not paying attention to you because he’s not interested and because he’s just looking to get lucky. If he’s trying to get you in bed, he’ll likely not seem very interested if you bring up any serious topic. He’ll ask you things like “Do you like to have a good time?” and other questions that feel a little more sexual in nature.

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