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10 Crazy, Interesting Facts About Love That Might Surprise You

Dear everyone who is running around screaming that “love isn’t real” because you’re sick of all the hype the subject is getting. Falling in love is very much a real thing, and as it turns out, it can do a lot of really weird things to your body and your brain.

Love is a pretty odd thing. But when you think about it, don’t you find that your experiences in relationships can be related to so many other people’s experiences? That’s not because you guys are similar or connected on some other level – it’s because being in love does specific things to your brain. Love can make you act and think a certain way. And you know what? According to science, a lot of those stereotypes about people in love are true! Here are 10 crazy, interesting facts about love. They are definitely worth reading through.

Being In Love Makes You Overlook Flaws In The Other Person

Well, this explains why so many of us stay in bad relationships for such a long period of time. Being in love doesn’t make you ignore your boo’s flaws altogether, but it will make you ignore them, according to researchers. So, you’ll be aware of the fact that your BF/GF is being a huge jerk about something, but you’ll choose to act like it’s not happening because you love him/her.

Love Can Be Addictive

Another reason behind why we might stay with someone for too long, even when we’re not as happy as anymore? It could be because love can actually be addicting. When your brain produces that dopamine that gives you a similar high to cocaine, it wants to produce more of that dopamine all the time. Our brains become addicted to the feeling of falling in love. That’s sort of cute.

Being In Love Can Make Your Pupils Dilate

Weirdly, scientists have found that looking at someone you love can make your pupils dilate. They also found that people viewed dilated pupils as more attractive. This is something that we never notice on our own.

Falling In Love Is Similar To Being High On Cocaine

Researchers studying love found that when we’re in love, our brains produce more dopamine. As it turns out, the same area of the brain that lights up when you’re in love (that produces dopamine), is the same area of the brain that gets affected when you’re high on cocaine. So, basically, the intense happiness you feel when you’re in love is very similar to the intense happiness you feel when you’re on drugs. I guess love really is a drug!

Your Hearts Can Sync Up

How sweet is this: research has found that when a couple has been together for a while, their hearts beat at the same rate. Interestingly enough, researchers found that it’s the girl’s heart who changes to meet the pace of the guy’s. They don’t know why, but it definitely is weird.

Childhood Traumas Make It Harder To Love

Here’s some sad news: research has found that people who experienced childhood trauma, like neglect or abuse, have a harder time falling in love. This is most likely because it’s so difficult for them to open up and be vulnerable enough for them to love someone, or let someone love them. It can be fixed though! They just need to learn and work on their issues.

Guys Are More Likely To Say I Love You First

A common stereotype is that boys are too afraid to say those three little words, but actually, research shows differently. According to one study guys are more likely to say it within the first month of a relationship and they are also overwhelmingly more likely to say “I love you” first. That second one is probably because society has made it so that it’s more appropriate for a man to say it first. But we say, say it if you feel it!

Holding Hands With A Loved One Can Reduce Pain

The next time your parents complain about you being with your boo for too often, try this line on them: being with the one you love can actually make you feel better physically. Research has found that, at least for ladies, touching their lover can reduce the feeling of pain. It doesn’t even have to be touching – if they just see a picture of their boo, their pain will go away.

Love At First Sight Sort of Exists

I have never been one to believe in love at first, but as it turns out, I might be wrong. Studies have shown that it only takes a few moments for people to decide whether the “spark” is there or not. People don’t need a lot of time to figure out if they’re into you – they’ll know it within a few minutes of meeting you. Is it always true love? No. But it’s still interesting to think about.

Love Comes From Your Brain, Not Your Heart

Love seems like a matter of the heart, right? Well, it’s really not – it’s more about your brain. As you’ve seen from all of these studies, and the hundreds more that are out there, when you’re in love, things are happening to your brain… not your heart.

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