
7 Amazing Facts You Never Knew About Sweating

I used to be really self-conscious about sweating and thought that I sweat way more than every other person on the planet. I was wrong though because everyone sweats and only a few people sweat an abnormal amount. But it’s easy to be critical of yourself and think that everyone is noticing your boob sweat. I get it!

How much you sweat has a lot to do with science. Sweat isn’t just a physical thing, it can also be a mental thing, which might explain why you’re sweating a lot. The good news is, you’re not alone because mostly everyone sweats (unless you don’t have sweat glands) and even if you sweat a ton, there are remedies!

Check out these facts about sweating you probably didn’t know:

You Have A Lot Of Sweat Glands

Seriously! The average person has over 2 million sweat glands on their body. And you have different types of sweat glands: eccrine and apocrine. Eccrine glands are everywhere and help you cool down. Apocrine glands are mostly in your underarm and groin areas.

Girls Sweat Differently

It’s not a dude’s fault that he’s a sweaty mess, it’s science. Women genetically just don’t sweat as much, even during physical activity. Many studies think testosterone is the reason guys sweat more, though there’s not an official ruling.

Thinking About Sweat Can Make You Sweat

Your sweat glands are also linked to your brain, which is why stress can affect your sweat glands. But simply even thinking about sweat can make you sweat. If you sweat a lot, try not to think about it and see if that helps!

Drinking More Water Might Make You Sweat

Sweat is largely comprised of water. The more water you take in, the more you sweat.. But that’s not a bad thing! Drinking water is key to not being dehydrated, and the fact that your body is sweating is a good sign. If you can’t sweat, your body can’t get rid of certain toxins and can lead to you passing out or getting heat exhaustion.

Your Deodorant Matters

One of the most important things to beating sweat is making sure you’re using an antiperspirant and not just a deodorant. Beware though that your body can get used to whatever you’re using, just like it can get used to shampoo. If you’re experiencing sweating issues, try switching up your deodorant every few months.

Stress Sweat Smells The Worst

If you ever started sweating during a test or because you have a lot of homework, it’s probably because you’re stressed. Stress sweat hangs out in your apocrine glands, and it feeds on the bacteria on your skin which creates, you guess it, body odor.

Excessive Sweating Is A Condition

If you think you sweat too much, you might be right. Excessive sweating, especially when you’re not nervous, stressed or exercising, you might have hyperhidrosis. If your palms sweat all the time or your constantly soaking through a t-shirt, ask your doctor if you can try a prescription-strength antiperspirant. If that doesn’t work, talk to them about your other options.

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