
#PNN E-Mentoring (Yoma Victor): The Power Of Imagination – 1

“What do you see?” a father asked his son as they sped down a highway on a trip to see his grandparents. The son said excitedly, “trees moving backwards”; his father smiled and asked him again, “look carefully, what do you see on both sides of the road?”; the son replied, “I see the trees moving fast, I am even trying to count them daddy, but they are moving really fast. The trees on my way to school don’t move this fast…” The question is, was the son lying? Was his answer wrong?

 Today we call the world a globe, meaning it is oval in shape; but did you know that the world was regarded as being flat for many years and it was assumed that when you travelled far enough you were going to fall off the edge? People were even jailed for saying or teaching otherwise. This assumption about the world being flat obviously restricted how far men could go. They didn’t venture too far from known territories in the fear that they would fall off the edge of the world. Our knowledge, assumptions, ideas and paradigms, instruct our behaviour.

The question I ask is, what do you see? What are your thoughts and ideas about success? What is rich to you? What assumptions or paradigms have you formed about being successful and wealthy? The reality is that you won’t behave, respond or take action that is not instructed by the pictures you have in your mind.

Imagination consist of the word ‘image’, imagination is a word that describes the phenomena where images of the future, ideas, concepts, etc, are imprinted in the mind of a person by experience, thoughts, learning, the things they see, books, training, upbringing, etc. Your everyday life, and hence your future won’t be anything different from the image you have imprinted on your heart. Your pattern of behaviour is largely a result, an outcome of the image, imprinted in your heart.


I am hosting a workshop session on Saturday, November 29th, 2014; ‎ tagged L.I.F.E – Living In Financial Excellence. I am offering 10 free tickets to the readers here. I know your parents will love to come with you. That is fine. But they will have to pay for their tickets. It won’t be expensive, we are getting sponsorship to reduce the cost. Watch out next week Tuesday for the registration details.

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