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Social Studies Lesson Plans

Social studies  lesson note for jss1

Scheme Of Work.

Week 1: National Unity and Integration

Week 2Negotiation

Week 3: Physical Environment and Climatic Condition

Week 4Educational Institutions

Week 5: Social Order- Leadership and Followership I

Week 6: Social Order- Leadership and Followership II

Week 7Science and Technology in Societal Development

Week 8:  Transportation and Economic Development

 lesson note on social studies for jss1

Below are the 2022 social studies lesson notes for jss1 third term

Week 1

Topic: National Unity and Integration


  1. Meaning of National Unity and Integration
  2. The importance of National Unity
  3. Symbols of National Unity in Nigeria

Meaning of National Unity and Integration

National unity: This is a type of government formed by a group of parties, generally during times of emergency. These governments are said to be unified by a love of country rather than by political affiliation.

National integration: It is a positive aspect that reduces socio-cultural and economic differences or inequalities and strengthens national unity and solidarity, which is not imposed by any authority.

National unity and integration encourage People to share ideas, values and emotional bonds. It is a feeling of unity within diversity. National identity is supreme. Cultural unity, constitution, territorial continuity, common economic problems, art, literature, national festivals, national flag, national anthem and national emblem etc. promote National Integration. To learn more, click here

Week 2



  1. Meaning of negotiation
  2. Situations that may need negotiation

  3. Steps in successful negotiation

Negotiation is defined as a back-and-forth process in which two or more people with different interests must find a way to reconcile or compromise to come up with an agreement.

Negotiation is a process in which two or more parties resolve a dispute or come to a mutual agreement. To learn more, click here


Week 3

Topic: Physical Environment and Climatic Condition


  1. Meaning of Physical Environment
  2. Weather

  3. Element of weather
  4. Climate

  5. Differences between weather and climate
  6. Seasons in Nigeria
  7. Vegetation

third term social studies lesson note


The physical environment is the part of the human environment that includes purely physical factors (such as soil, climate, and water supply)

Physical environment means the natural and man-made features of an area. The physical environment involves physical things such as lakes, rivers, mountains, valleys etc.


Weather is the atmospheric condition of a place at a particular time. It is the state of the atmosphere at a place and time as regards heat, dryness, sunshine, wind, rain, etc. To learn more, click here


Week 4

TopicEducational Institutions


  1. Meaning of Institution
  2. Meaning of Educational Institution
  3. Forms of Education
  4. Functions of Formal and Informal Education

An Institution is a society or organization founded for a religious, educational, social, or similar purpose. It can also be described as established law, practice, or custom.

Educational Institution is an organization established for the purpose of learning. It is the institution arranged for the purpose of passing knowledge and building characters and moral in the life of the benefactors

Forms of Education

Formal Education: This is a form of education where learning takes place in an organized and well-structured place. it is a well-structured and planned means of teaching student. It takes place in the four walls of a classroom where there is a teacher and students and the learning is guided by a planned curriculum. To learn more, click here


Week 5

Topic: Social Order- Leadership and Followership I


  1. Who is a leader?
  2. Meaning of Leadership
  3. Types of leadership style
  4. Qualities of good leaders


Who is a leader?

A leader is a person or a group of persons that direct and guide other people or a body of organization to achieve a common goal.

A leader is a person who allocates task, coordinates, instructs and energize other people by successfully carrying out certain task. a leader shows the way and guides another person or a group of persons to attain a set goal.

Leadership: Leadership is the process of leading. It is the ability to cor-ordinate, influence and direct other people to achieve a set goal.

Types of leadership style

  • Democratic style: A democratic style of leadership is a situation where the leaders allow his/her followers to contribute to the decision and policy making of the group or organization. In this leadership, the leaders listen to the voice of the followers before making a final decision.
  • Autocratic style: This is the leadership style where the leaders do not listen to the voice of the followers, the leader makes decision on their own. The leader leads by giving commands and order. the interest of the people is not put into consideration before making policy.


To learn more, click here

third term jss1 social studies lesson note for third term 

Week 6

Topic: Social Order- Leadership and Followership II


  1. Meaning of Followership
  2. Who is a follower?
  3. Qualities of a good follower
  4. Functions of a follower
  5. Communication links between followers and leaders



Meaning of Followership

Followership is the ability or process to obey and become loyal to a leader. It is the ability to obey those in a leadership roles.

It is the process by which a group of people are led by someone.

Who is a follower?

A follower is a person who is loyal and obedient to the instructions of his/her leader. A follower is anyone who accepts the authority of another person, obeys his instructions and listen to his words.

Qualities of a good follower

To learn more, click here


Week 7

TopicScience and Technology in Societal Development


  1. Meaning of science
  2. Meaning of Technology
  3. Importance of science and Technology
  4. Problems created by Science and Technology

Meaning of Science

The intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.

Science refers to knowledge which is gained by observing things in detail, and by testing and forming general laws about them. Scientific thinking is based on fact.

Meaning of Technology

Technology deals with the use of organized knowledge to solve practical problems. The technology uses scientific principles to make tools and machines.

Importance of Science and Technology

Science and Technology is important for the following reasons

  • Improved food production: Science and technology enable us to cultivate surplus food and preserve enough against the time of scarcity, this is because there is a good way of preserving food surplus. This is made possible through the introduction of mechanized agriculture to encourage mass production.


To learn more, click here


Week 8

TopicTransportation and Economic Development


  1. Meaning of transportation
  2. Local/indigenous means of transportation
  3. Modern means of transportation
  4. Effect of transportation on Economic Development

Meaning of Transportation

Transportation can be defined as the movement of people and goods from one place to another either by land, water or air. It is the process by which people and their products from one place to another

Transportation makes international trade possible and help to bring about good relationship between countries. To learn more, click here



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