

What is basic science as a subject?

The word “basic” refers to something that is necessary and most important to all people. Basic science as an integrated science course is a subject that deals with the study of living things and non-living things. It also combines all other science subjects such as physics, biology, health science, agricultural science, geography, etc.

Scheme Of Work.

Week One: Living and Non-Living Things (I)

Week Two: Living and Non-Living Things (II)

Week Three: Living and Non-Living Things (III)

Week Four: Living and Non-Living Things (IV)

Week Five: Human Development

Week Six: Family Health (I)

Week Seven&Eight: Family Health (II) Nutrition

Week Nine: Family Health (III) Drug

Week Ten: Reproductive System


Week One: Topic: Living and non-living things (I)


Meaning of Matter

Identification of matter

Classification of Matter

States of Matter


All materials in the world around us have two qualities in common. Each occupies space and has weight. If you occupy a seat, no one else can sit on that seat because you have occupied that space. If you stand on a weighing balance, the balance will record your weight. These two qualities that you have are qualities that goats, sheep, cows, chickens, plants, stones, pebbles, tables, pots, and other materials also have. Since all these have these common qualities, they are put together in one group called matter. To learn more: Click here


Week Two: Topic: Living and Non-Living Things (II)


Characteristics of living and non-living things

Examples, characteristics, and importance of plants and animals


Both living and non-living things are important to human beings. Both plants and animals are living things because both have the same qualities of living things. on the other hand, we obtain food from living things but we also depend for successful living on non-living things. we need air to breathe, we need water to drink, cook, wash our bodies clothes, and so on; without iron and steel, we would not have our knives and refrigerators. To learn more: Click here


Week Three: Topic: Living and Non-Living Things (III)


Differences between Plants and Animals

Examples and Importance of Living Things


Both plants and animals are living things because both have the same qualities of living things. However, there are important differences between plants and animals.

Differences in Structure between Plants and Animals. To learn more: Click here


Week Four:  Topic: Living and Non-Living Things (IV)


Classification of Non-living things into metals and non-metals

Examples, properties, and uses


Both living and non-living things are important to human beings. We obtain food from living things. We also depend, for successful living on non-living things. we need air to breathe, water to drink, cook, wash our bodies, our clothes, etc. We need the soil for growing plants, sand, and stone for building houses. Without iron and steel, we would not have knives, cars, refrigerators, etc. To learn more: Click here


Week Five Topic: Human Development 


Meaning of Puberty

Puberty/Adolescent changes

Personal Hygiene


Coping with concerns of Adolescent


At about ten to fourteen years of age, different changes take place in the body of both boys and girls. These changes are signs of puberty.


Puberty is the short span of time which marks the beginning of sexual maturation. This period differs for both boys and girls. Boys gradually reach puberty at about the age of twelve, while girls reach it at about ten to eleven. To learn more: Click here


Week Six Topic: Family Health (I)  Sanitation


When we clean our body regularly, we reduce the chances of getting infected by various organisms that thrive in dirty environments. An individual’s health depends on the way and manner in which he or she takes care of himself or herself. If one does not maintain a high level of personal cleanliness, one is likely to suffer from diseases.


Meaning of Family, Health, and Cleanliness

A family is a group consisting of one or two parents and their children while health is the condition of a person’s body or mind. The three levels of health are low, average, and high or optimal level. To learn more: Click here


Week Seven&Eight Topic: Family Health (II) Nutrition 


Feeding is one of the characteristics of living things. We are familiar with food and with feeding. When we eat, we stop hunger, we feel satisfied and happy. Food gives us energy, and enables us to grow and stay healthy. Scientists study food from several angles ie finding the composition and properties of each kind of food.

What is Nutrition?

Nutrition is the process by which organisms take in and make use of substances that are necessary for good health such as food and minerals. To learn more: Click here


Week NineTopic: Family Health (III) Drug


Meaning of Drug and Drug abuse

Sources of Drugs

Methods of Drug Abuse

Causes of Drug abuse

Uses and side effects of Drugs

Meaning of Drug and Drug Abuse

Drug: is a chemical substance used in the treatment, cure, prevention, or diagnosis of disease or to otherwise enhance physical or mental well-being. A drug is any substance other than food that by its chemical or physical nature can affect the structure and functions of a living organism. When drugs are administered under proper medical supervision, they can serve three objectives namely

to relieve suffering

to combat diseases

to save lives

To learn more: Click here


Week Ten Topic: Reproductive System


Male and Female Reproductive Organs

Functions and Care of Male and Female Organs


One of the characteristics of living things is their ability to produce young ones of their kind. Any living organism that gives birth to new offspring is said to undergo reproduction. Every living thing reproduces its kind. Human beings also give birth to their young ones, etc. They do this by the process of reproduction. In human beings this involves the coming together of reproduction cells produced by male and female parents. The reproductive cell in males is called spermatozoa while that of a woman is called ovum or egg. The organs of the body which work together to produce young ones in human beings are the human reproductive system. To learn more: Click here


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