Physical Health Education Lesson Note JSS 2 Second Term
PHE Scheme of Work for JSS2 Second Term
Week One: The Striking Games
Week Two: Table Tennis
Week Three: Basic Skills and Techniques of Tennis
Week Four: Equipment and Facilities of Table Tennis
Week Five: Personal School and Community Health
Week Six: Environmental Pollution
Week Seven and Eight: Effects of pollution on the environment and personal health
Week Nine: Preventative Measures against environmental pollution
Week Ten: Fresh approach to school health programme
Week Eleven: Revision
Week Twelve: Examination
physical and health education Jss 2 Second term lesson notes
Below are the 2022 complete physical health education lesson notes for Jss 2-second term
Week One: The Striking Games
Requirements for table tennis player
- Agility
- Flexibility
- Coordination
- Concentration
- Knowledge of the rules of the game
- Dexterity
- Alertness
- Sportsmanship
- Physical strength
To learn more, click here
Week Two: Table Tennis
Equipment used in playing Table Tennis
The Table: Matches are usually played on wooden plywood or aluminium table which will provide the correct bounce. The correct bounce is when the ball is dropped from 30.5cm above the table; it must bounce 22.0cm and 25.0cm. To learn more, click here
Week Three: Basic Skills and Techniques of Tennis
The fundamental skills are
- The grip
- The serve
- The court positioning and stance
- The footwork
To learn more, click here
Week Four: Equipment and Facilities of Table Tennis
Facilities and Equipment
They are
- The playing court
- The net
- The balls
- The white “T” shirts over white shorts
To learn more, click here
Week Five: Personal, School and Community Health
School health is an integral part of community health, but it mainly refers to all the health activities and measures that are carried out within the community to promote and protect the health of children of school age and also the school personnel. These activities may take place both within and outside the school compound. To learn more, click here
Week Six: Environmental Pollution
Pollution is the introduction of a contaminant into a natural environment, usually by humans. In other words, Pollution is the addition to the ecosystem of something which has a detrimental effect on it. One of the most important causes of pollution is the high rate of energy usage by modern, growing populations.
When some physical, chemical or biological changes occur in our physical environment it is known as pollution and the substances which bring these changes are known as pollutants. The sources of the pollution can be natural or man-made. To learn more, click here
Week Seven and Eight: Effects of pollution on the environment and personal health
The effects of pollution are
- Natural disaster
- Respiratory disease
- Oil refineries
- Chest pain
- Depletion of the ozone layer
- The deadly effect on humans and the ecosystem
To learn more, click here
Week Nine: Preventative Measures against environmental pollution
Preventive Measures
- Incorporating pollution prevention into federal legislation
- Develop innovative pollution prevention programmes
- Educate the public about pollution prevention
- Train relevant groups in the relevant aspects of pollution prevention
- Integrate pollution prevention into departmental policy programmes.
When tap water tastes a bit acidic and the smog levels in your city create cause for concern, you are simply experiencing some of the many different kinds of pollution in the world responsible for the detrimental effects on our very basic necessities. In the long run, pollution has the command to seriously affect human health and is already causing worldwide destruction, including an attack on our precious resources. To learn more, click here
Week Ten: Fresh approach to school health programme
The school health programme is defined as the school procedures that contribute to the maintenance and improvement of the health of the pupil and school personnel including health services healthy living and health education.
In general school, health education should be integrated with all the activities in the curriculum. It should be part and parcel of the child’s daily life. It must include the whole life of the child taking into consideration his relationship with the school community as well as the community outside the school. To learn more, click here.
Week Eleven: Revision
This week, we would be doing a revision of all that we learned during the term.
Week Twelve: Examination
Afterwards, we would write an examination, which would test our knowledge of what has been taught so far.