We worship an invisible and omnipotent God who hears every word of prayer we say with our mouth or our mind. Prayer is the act of talking to God either to thank Him or to request for something. We can pray anywhere- at home, in the school, class, toilet, while walking etc. At all times we are free to talk to God, He is ever ready to listen to us. Prayer is what links us to God, without it our relationship with god suffers. While praying you might kneel, sit or lay on the bed; you can pray aloud or silently in your heart. God wants us to always talk to Him that’s why the Bible advises us to pray without ceasing and season.

How to Pray

There may not be a one way street to prayer, yet there are certainly some components of a good prayer should have. These are-

1. Thank and praise God. Acknowledge his works

2. Ask for forgiveness of your sins because the prayer of a sinner is an abomination before God.

3. Make your request To learn more, click here