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Now, Facebook Lets You Control What Happens to Your Account After You Die

Facebook has added new features that allows users to control what happens on their Facbook pages even after life. Soon, Facebook users will be able to choose an option on the security settings  that will pass their information and account management over to someone else when the time comes.

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How you’ll be able to set a legacy contact, from your security settings. (Courtesy of Facebook).

Death is one thing people are not always willing to talk about but what happens to your data is becoming as important as what happens to your physical properties when you pass on. Think, what happens to all the information you store online after you are gone?

Facebook pages are places where friends and family converge to grieve. Facebook already offers this option for people to report the death of a Facebook user, which “memorializes” the account and freezes it. You can’t change anything posted, change the audience for any postings or even log in to the account. However, due to customer feedback, the company is responded by enabling this option of ‘willing’ your account to a trusted person before you pass on. Vanessa Callison-Burch, a Facebook product manager said “There were a lot of asks about features we could add, people wanted the ability to respond to new friend requests, and do more with the account going forward.”

After a year of working on the project, Facebook is implementing some changes based on feedback it’s gotten from users. There will be three basic options:

  • You can do nothing, in which case the current rules apply and your account can be memorialized by anyone after your death, providing that the company gets adequate proof of your death.
  • You can ask Facebook to delete your account after you die.
  • You can designate someone —  called your legacy contact — to manage your account. Once Facebook is notified of your death, your timeline will also change to let people know you’ve died. Facebook does this by adding the word “Remembering” ahead of your name — i.e. “Remembering John Doe.”


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