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10 Amazing Animal Facts (Baboon)

1.  Baboons are found only in Africa and the Arabia.

2. Baboons are some of the world’s largest monkeys, and males of different species average from 33 to 82 pounds (15 to 37 kilograms).

3.  There are five different species of Baboon which are the Olive Baboon, the Guinea Baboon, the Chacma Baboon, the Yellow Baboon and the Hamadryas Baboon which differs most from the others wide it’s bright red face and cliff-dwelling lifestyle (the other four species are collectively known as Savanna Baboons).

4. Baboons have large heads with a long, dog-like muzzle and cheek-pouches for storing food with a heavy brow ridge protecting their eyes.

5. If a threat is spotted, baboons make loud barks and while the males run to attack, the females and young disappear up into the safety of the trees. They have pink bottom that serves as a pad to protect them from sitting for long periods of time.

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6. Baboons communicate between one another in a variety of different ways including vocals calls, facial expressions and even signal with their tails.

7. Baboons breed all year round and while they don’t have a strict breeding season, there are peaks in mating and births at certain times of year (depending on the location).

8. When they are born, young Baboons have contrasting colours to their parents and are tolerated by the troop until they moult and grow their adult fur after about two months.

9. The Baboon is an omnivorous animal that is known to eat a wide variety of both plant matter and small animals. Fruits, seeds, tough roots and flowers all make up the bulk of their diet, along with insects, eggs, lizards and rodents.

10. Although Baboons retire into the safety of the trees to sleep at night, they spend nearly all of the rest of their lives on the ground and roam throughout their home ranges in search of food and water.

Fast Facts

Colour: Olive, Yellow, Grey, Silver, Brown, Black

Skin Type: Hair

Size: 50cm – 86cm (20in – 34in)

Weight: 14kg – 45kg (30lbs – 100lbs)


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