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10 Amazing Animal Facts (Cheetah)

1. The Cheetah is a large and powerful feline that was once found throughout Africa and Asia and even in parts of Europe. Today however, it is found in only a few remote regions of it’s once vast natural range, primarily due to growing Human settlements and the hunting of them for their fur.

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South African Cheetah
  South African Cheetah

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Rare Saharan Cheetah image captured by a SCF Camera Trap
Rare Saharan Cheetah image captured by a SCF Camera Trap

2. There are widely considered to be five different subspecies of Cheetah that vary only very slightly in colouration and are most easily distinguished by their geographic location.

3. Cheetahs are not considered to be part of the big cat family as they cannot roar

4.  Cheetahs are capable of reaching speeds of more than 60mph for short periods of time, the Cheetah is the fastest land mammal in the world.

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5. The Cheetah has a long and slender body that is covered in coarse yellowish fur and dotted with small black spots. The Cheetah spots is different from that of a leopard

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Comparative illustration of a leopard (left) and cheetah (right)

6. The Cheetah has exceptional eyesight and so hunts using sight by first stalking it’s prey(from between 10 to 30 meters away), and then chasing it when the time is right.

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7. They mainly hunt large herbivores including Gazelle and a number of large Antelope species such as Wildebeest, along with Zebras and smaller mammals like Hares. The exactdiet of the Cheetah though tends to depend on it’s location.

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A cheetah suffocating an impala

8. One of the most distinctive differences between the different subspecies is that their fur colour changes slightly, depending on their surrounding environment.

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9. Although Cheetahs cannot roar, they do make a variety of different sounds including a high-pitched yelp which can be heard for more than a mile away.

10. Unlike other big cats, Cheetahs purr rather than roar.

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Cheetah portrait showing the black “tear mark” running from the corner of its eye down the side of the nose

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A king cheetah showing its distinctive coat pattern


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