
#PNNE-Mentoring (Taiwo Akinlami): Personal Safety/Self-Protection from Recruitment into Terrorist Groups (5)

Hello young friends; sure you had a great weekend. I am here today to complete this discussion that we began five weeks ago.

We rounded up our discussion last week sharing the profile of the children, who are likely to be recruited into terrorist groups and the factors which encourage such recruitment. I think the last one is silence. You see, our society does not discuss. We do not think ahead. We fail to arrest situations by shying away from discussing them. We think that leaving matters unaddressed kill them. Unknown to us, when social issues are not brought to the domain of public debate they fester underground and take control of the lives of men and women they target.

Permit me to conclude this so long discussion with my suggestions: I think to counter the deadly but very weak wiles of terrorists and their recruitment of children, I suggest as follows:

1. Start a Conversation: It is time to talk about the issue of the recruitment of young people into terrorist groups. Children and young people like you must lead the discussion. You can use the write-up here to lead discussion and enlighten your fellow children. Children and young people must encourage their primary caregivers (parents/guardians) and secondary caregiver (schools, religious places of worship, media etc.) to being the conversation. Parents and teachers must also be involved in the conversation. The goal of the conversation will empower our children and their caregivers in responding to this dangerous trend.

2. Establish the principle of Child-Friendly control: you must make up your mind not to abuse the access you have to the internet. Please establish personal control. Be purposeful when you go to the internet and not open strange websites or pop-ups and if you have any suspicious mail please call the attention of your parents and teachers. Please use the internet and social media and yet preserve your sanity. You must be a wise and open user, who will seek help immediately you see something strange.

3. Make a commitment to developing life skill: this is long-term and on-going measure. Request for your parents and teachers to make a commitment to train you  to develop and sustain soft and life skills, which will enable you to respond adequately to the challenges and pressures of life. The pressure of life answers to life and soft skills and you must make it a point of duty to develop same.

I think, this is a promise made and kept that we will conclude this discussion this week…I therefore beg to stop here. Next week, by the grace of God we will begin a fresh discussion on cultism. You cannot afford to miss it. Please note that I am available on this platform to interact with you and answer your questions. Do have an INSPIRED week. Stay SMART!

Taiwo Akinlami is a Barrister & Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Nigeria, foremost Child Protection Specialist, Consultant to UNICEF, governments, and other leading national and international organisations on Child Protection, Independent Legal and Social Regulatory Expert on Child’s Rights and Responsibilities Issues, Legal Enlightenment & Development Enthusiast, Researcher, Social Empowerment Advocate, Author, Blogger and an accredited facilitator of the British Council School Leadership Program. Website:│Blog:│Twitter: @taiwoakinlami

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