
Classwork Series and Exercises {Business Studies – Jss1}: The Clerical Staff 1

Topic: The Clerical staff (I)


  1. Meaning of clerical staff
  2. Grades of clerical staff
  3. Functions of a clerical staff

clerical staff:  is a person who performs the ordinary work that people do in an office i.e a person who performs the function of receiving information, recording information, arranging information, giving out information, protecting, safe guarding information and assets of an organization is a clerical staff.

Clerical staff includes the secretary, receptionist, typist, computer operator’s clerk etc.

Grades of clerical staff are:

  • Clerical officers
  • Clerical assistants
  • Senior clerks

The working place of a clerical staff is an office; most of the clerical staff performs their duties at the registry. A registry is a room or a combination of rooms where office functions are carried out. In a business organization, the registry is an essential organ of the administrative department, which serves all departments in the organization

The registry is always headed by a senior clerical staff. the size of the registry depends on the size of the organization and the nature and volume of its activities.

Functions of a clerical staff

Functions of clerical staff includes

  • He records the movement of every file in the record book to avoid the loss of lives.
  • The clerical staff dispatches outgoing mails (letter, quotations etc) sorts them and put them in their respective files for further actions.
  • The clerical staff keeps files in view and brings them up for action when necessary.
  • He is responsible for opening of new files or closing of old files and keeping them in the file cabinets for safety.
  • He distributes internal documents (notice of meeting, memoranda etc) to the individual staff and departments in the organization.

Test and exercise

  1. Who is a clerical staff (a) a manager (b) a tailor (c) a carpenter (d) someone who performs office duties
  2. A clerical staff does not perform one of the following functions (a) providing snacks for the manager during break time (b)receiving incoming mail (c)opening of new files and closing of old ones (d) recording of files in and out of the office
  3. Grades of clerical staff are all of these except (a) clerical officer (b) clerical adviser (c) clerical assistance (d) senior clerks
  4. The working place of a clerical staff is (a) a home (b) a church (c) an office (d) a compound
  5. The registry is always headed by ——- (a) senior clerk (b) clerical assistance (c) clerical assistants (d) none of the above.

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