Meaning of Asset
An asset can be defined as an object which has a longer life span that is used in business .it is in inform of equipment, vehicles, machinery or plant and building.
An asset is a resource with economic value that an individual, corporation or country owns or controls with the expectation that it will provide future benefit. Asst can be fixed or current
Meaning of depreciation
Depreciation is a fall or decrease in the value of an asset as a result of wear and tear in its uses. For accounting purposes, depreciation indicates how much of an asset’s value has been used up.
- Physical Factors: This Comes As Result Of Change Is Outlook, Rust, Depreciation Or change in colour Of The Asset
- Wear And Tear: When Asset Are Used Over Time, They Get Worn out And May Not Perform As When It Was New
- Obsolescence: is the state which occurs when an object, service, or practice is no longer wanted even though it may still be in good working order.When It becomes outdated i.e No Longer In use or due to change in technology.
- Inadequacy: When the asset cannot perform much task as required,i.e it is said to be ineffective
- Passage Of Time :When it is no longer working due to its life span
Element of depreciation
- Original Cost-The Cost At Which The Asset Is Bought
- Estimated Value Or Residual Value Or Scrap Value-The cost of the asset at the time of disposal
- Estimated Useful Life-Number Of Years The Asset Is Expected To Use
Methods of calculating Depreciation Of Asset
The Methods Of calculating Depreciation of Asset are:
- Straight Line Method
- Annuity Method
- Sinking Fund Method
- Sum Of The Year Digit Method
- Reflection Unit Method
- Insurance Policy Method
- Revaluation Method
The method to be used depends on the policy the management of the business agreed on, however,consistency need to be applied. This means that all similar assets should be depreciated by the same method and the same method method every year.
But for the purpose of this study only one method will be dealt with. whatever method adopted the elements of depreciation must be take into consideration.
Straight line method : This method make provision for equal amount to be charged as depreciation for each year of useful life. It is calculated by thus; cost of asset less residual value divided by the number estimated as the useful life span
The formula to be adopted is
Cost-estimated value
Years of useful life
The cost of a machine is 10,000 and the residual value is 4000 it is expected to last for 4years use a straight line method to prepare the depreciation on the asset
Depreciation schedule
Years | Cost of asset | Depreciation | rate | accumulated |
1 | 10,000 | 1,500 | 1,500 | 8,500 |
2 | 10,000 | 1,500 | 3,000 | 7,000 |
3 | 10,000 | 1,500 | 4,500 | 5,500 |
4 | 10,000 | 1,500 | 6,000 | 4,000 |
From the above schedule, equal amount was charge as depreciation every year
Note that column
- 1 represent the estimate useful life span
- cost of asset
- depreciation rate that is, using the formula
- accumulated depreciation that is, addition of annual depreciation
- Net book value-this is arrived at by deducting accumulated depreciation from the cost of the asset.
Diminishing or reducing balance method: By this method a fixed percentage is written off the diminishing balance of the asset yearly.The total depreciation is spread over the anticipated useful life of the asset by annual installment of diminishing amount. Depreciation is more artificially provided here for larger amount of depreciation
Sum of the digit method
Under the sum of the digit method,a decreasing depreciation is computed by a simple mathematical procedure relating to arithmetical progression each year of an asset life should be represented by a digit add these digits and charge from actions of the asset cost to the year in reverse order.
A machine was bought in 1990 for 5500 it was estimated to 500 after 4years of usage using sum of the year digit method calculate the depreciation.
Years digit
1 4
2 3
3 2
4 1
Depreciation =cost –scrap value
Depreciation charge for each year will be
Year 1=4/10 x 5000=2000
Year2=3/10 x 5000=1500
Year3=2/10 x 5000=1000
Year4=1/10 x 5000=500
Revaluation method: This method of depreciation is good for asset like loose tools like hammer, chisels, spanner, livestock.e.t.c. By this method the asset is revalue each tear and difference will be charged as depreciation to the profit and loss account the value of the asset at the beginning and at the end of the asset must be known.
On 1st Jan 1998 the value of loose tools was 16,000 on the 30th June new tools were bought for 3,000 on the 31st of Dec 1998 they were revalued at 17, the loose tools account using revaluation method
For more notes; see: