
10 Amazing Animal Facts (Genet)

Genet is a mammal that belongs to the civet family. There are almost 30 subspecies of common genets that can be found in Africa, Europe and Middle East.

Fast Facts about Genet

1. Common genets have a slender, cat-like body, 43 to 55 cm (17 to 22 in) in length, and a tail measuring 33 to 52 cm (13 to 20 in).

2. Genets have yellowish-brown or pale grey fur covered with black dots arranged in 3 to 4 rows on its back. Chin and throat are white coloured. 8 to 13 black rings cover white-tipped tail

3. They have small head, pointed muzzle, large eyes, rounded ears and slender body with short legs.

4. Genets are nocturnal animals, they are active only at night.

5. Common Genet has a mane (long hair) that stretches from the shoulders to the tail. In the case of danger, common Genet is able to erect its mane to create impression of large body.

6. Common Genet is solitary and territorial animal. It occupies territory of 3.1 square miles. Territories of animals of opposite sex often overlap. Males mark their territory with urine, females with scent.

7. Common Genet is a carnivore (meat-eater). Its diet is based on small mammals (forest mice are their favorite type of food), birds, lizards and insects.

8. Pregnancy in females lasts around 75 days and ends with 2 to 3 (up to 4) babies. Female gives birth in the crevices of rocks or inside the hollow trees. Babies spend first 45 days of the life in a natal den.

9. Young common genets depend on the mother’s milk until the age of 4 months. 7-week-old common genets are ready to enrich their milk-based diet with meat. Common genets reach sexual maturity at the age of 2 years.

10. Genets can survive up to 8 years in the wild and around 13 years in the captivity.

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