
Classwork Exercise and Series (Basic Science-JSS3): Depletion Of Ozone Layer And It’s Effects


The ozone layer is located in the stratosphere of the atmosphere. The atmosphere is the region of air above the earth surface. There are many gases in the atmosphere. They include carbon (IV) oxide, carbon (II) oxide, ozone and methane. They combine with the chlorofluorocarbons to cause the greenhouse effect. Another layer of the atmosphere is lithosphere. Some water vapour, oxygen and aerosols are found in the stratosphere also.

Importance of the Ozone Layer

The ozone layer contains other gases and materials apart from ozone. Therefore, this layer is important for the following reasons:

  1. It brings a cooling effect to the atmosphere and the earth surface.
  2. The ozone layer absorbs high energy radiations from the sun. This minimizes the amount of radiation from the sun to the earth surface. These radiations are ultra radiations that cause sunburn to the skin.
  3. The presence of the ozone layer prevents the incidence of health hazards like sunburn.

 Effects of Depletion of the Ozone Layer

The depletion of the ozone layer refers to the gradual reduction of the amount of ozone in the layer due to the widening of the opening of the ozone layer. The depletion leads to the following consequences:

  1. Global Warming: The atmosphere re-radiates the absorbed energy back to the earth surface, by receiving the re-radiated portion of the energy to the earth, the earth surface become warmer. This leads to global warming.
  2. Greenhouse Effect: This is a natural situation that keeps the earth surface warm and suitable for continuous life. This additional warming is called greenhouse effect.
  3. Ice Melting and Flooding: Over the years, there is outcry of increased heat intensity. This is due to the widening of the ozone layer that has led to greater radiation from the sun. The heat intensity has caused the polar regions of the world to flood as the ice is now melting. Due to flooding, houses are destroyed and thousands of lives are lost in the tropics.

Control Measures against the Ozone Layer Depletion

The following measures can be used to control the depletion of the ozone layer:

  1. Regulation on the use of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs): The CFCs are used to make the compressors of refrigerators. Used refrigerators should be carefully disposed off.
  2. Bush Burning: Bush burning produces huge quantity of carbon (IV) oxide, which causes greenhouse effect. Generally, reducing bush burning is a way of lowering the amount of carbon (IV) oxide in the atmosphere.
  3. Regular Servicing of Automobiles: A lot of methane, another compound causing depletion of the ozone layer is produced along smoke from exhaust fumes of cars, especially unserviced automobiles. Owners of vehicles should ensure regular servicing of their vehicles.

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