
Classwork Series and Exercises { Civic Education – JSS3}: Self Employment

Civic Education, JSS 3, Week 6

Topic: Self Employment


  1. Meaning of Self employment
  2. The need for self employment
  3. Self employment project

Meaning of Self Employment

It is a means of being your own boss; self employment can be defined as a situation in which an individual works for himself or herself instead of working for an employer that pays a salary or a wage. People must use their inner minds, must be creative, using their brains and hands in doing something worthwhile.

The need for self employment

  1. It will reduce unemployment
  2. A self employed person becomes an employer of labor;thereby providing employment for people
  3. A self employed person manages his/her income; he/ she decides what either to save or invest the money
  4. He/ she can be a lender to salaries earners when their salary is delayed by their employers.
  5. A self employed can help in training other people.

Self Employment Project

  1. Tailoring: This involves the design and production of fashionable clothes.
  2. Hair-styling: This requires a very low capital to start up. A stylist is a person who makes people hair adorable and beautiful in the salon.
  3. Painting: This is a very profitable and easy work to learn for those who are interested. Painters engage in applying colors to houses.
  4. Beading: Beads are commonly used as ornaments, especially among women to adorn their body and add beauty to their looks.It also requires little capital to start up.
  5. Photography: This is a skill that can be acquired from a professional photographers. Others are:
  6. Carpentry
  7. Facial Make-up etc.

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