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Classwork Series and Exercises {Civic Education – SS1}: Fundamental Human Rights

Civic Education, SS1, Week 4

Topic: Fundamental Human Rights


  • Meaning of Fundamental Human Rights
  • Classification / categories of Human Rights

Meaning of Fundamental Human Rights

The fundamental right that humans have by the fact of being human, and that are neither created nor can be abrogated by any government.

Human rights is simply the natural right and privileges enjoyed by citizens of any given state which are usually outlined in the constitution of the state. It is the duty of a state to ensure that her citizens enjoy these rights.

These was the major reason why the United Nations Organization (UNO) urged are member states and all government of the entire world to incorporate the existence of human rights in the their constitutions for easy and proper references.

Human Rights according to 1999 constitution are outlined as follows:

  • The right to life
  • Freedom from slavery act
  • Right to acquire and own movable and unmovable property
  • Freedom of the press
  • Right to fair hearing
  • Right to dignity of human person
  • Freedom of movement and freedom of expression
  • Right to private and family life
  • Freedom of unlawful detention and imprisonment

Classification of Human Rights

  1. Civic and political rights (known as first rights);
    they are as follows –
  • Right to vote
  • Right to seek redress
  • Right to freedom of personal liberty
  • Right to life
  • Right to petition
  • Freedom of joining and forming associations
  • Right to freedom of conscience

2. Economic and Social rights (known as second rights); they are as follows

  • Right to work
  • Right to fair compensation
  • Right to own property
  • Right to petition
  • Right to form and join trade unions
  • Right to free choice of employment

3. Environmental rights (known as third rights); they are as follows

  • Freedom of movement
  • Right to social security
  • Right to private and family life
  • Freedom from slavery
  • Right to security and protection from inhuman treatment

Test and Exercise

  1. ————– is simply the natural right and privileges enjoyed by citizens of any given state which are usually outlined in the constitution of the state. (a) human desires (b) human rights (c) life (d) human knowledge
  2. Human right is applicable to (a) the police alone (b) the presidents and officials (c) the citizens (d) the students alone
  3. The right to vote is (a) economic right (b) environmental right (c) civic right (d) all of the above
  4. The right to work is (a) civic right (b) political right (c) economic right (d) environmental right
  5. Human rights must be contained in (a) constitution (b) bank (c) notebook (d) strong house


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