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Foods That Make You Bloated and How to Get Rid of It

Bloating: we’ve all experienced it, and it’s never pleasant. Bloating makes our jeans feel a little bit tighter, puffs up our stomachs and can sometimes even give us gas and an uncomfortable feeling of pressure. Bloating is temporary—but you can help your body out by nibbling on certain bloat-busting foods, as well as avoiding a few that cause bloating to begin with.

Why does bloating happen?

Bloating happens because your body can’t break down gas, like it does the food you swallow. Sometimes even the digestive process itself creates gas right in your abdomen. If it’s not released, air begins to build up in the stomach and intestines, which can make your belly feel like a balloon.

What foods cause bloating?

1. Foods heavy in salt
Think twice before picking up the saltshaker. Salty foods cause your body to retain water, which will give you the classic bloated stomach. Feel a bit puffy after a meal? Avoid salty foods for the rest of the day to deflate fast. “These include processed foods such as canned foods, frozen meals, chips, lunch meat, bacon, hot dogs and cheese.”

2. Beans
We’ve all heard the “beans, beans the magical fruit” rhyme. Like cruciferous veggies, eating beans also can lead to increased gas production. But beans are also high in fiber and protein, so you shouldn’t necessarily nix ‘em from your diet! Try eating smaller portions at a time or taking a supplement like Bean or a gas-reducing pill like simethicone, both of which you can buy at a pharmacy or grocery story, if you’re worried about gas and bloating.

3. Carbonated drinks
A glass of beer or soda will puff up your stomach. But like everything on this list, there’s no need to abstain completely from the foods and drinks you enjoy. Moderation is key, but if you already do feel bloated, that glass of seltzer water won’t do you any good. Drinking lots of plain water is a great way to de-bloat.

What to eat to fight bloating

1. Pineapple
It may seem counterintuitive, but drinking lots of water and eating fruits and veggies with a high water content can actually help reduce bloating. Pineapple is a prime example—delicious and tropical, it’s also great at flushing your system out because of the combination of enzymes it has. “[fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”][Pineapple] contains an enzyme called bromelain which helps digest proteins. It is theorized that bromelain decreases inflammation and can help reduce bloating, but to my knowledge there is little actual scientific research into the specific topic.

2. Ginger
Ginger delivers a ton of health benefits, and helping with digestion is one of them! Ginger can soothe stomachaches and nausea, as well as help reduce bloating. “[Ginger] has been used for thousands of years to treat various gastrointestinal issues. It contains an enzyme called zingibain that helps digest proteins.

3. Yogurt
Not all dairy products are created equal. While cheese and milk (especially if you’re lactose intolerant or even just sensitive to dairy) can cause your stomach to puff up, yogurt can help slim you down. Why? Probiotics. This good bacteria helps your intestines process foods better, beating bloating at the same time. “Some intestinal gas is caused by ‘bad’ bacteria breaking down food in your GI tract and releasing gas in the process.

4. Peppermint
Like ginger, peppermint has been lauded for centuries for its digestive properties. “[Peppermint] calms muscles in the stomach [and] allows gas to pass,” Blahut says. Sipping on some peppermint tea, taking peppermint oil supplements or even sucking on some peppermint candy can help soothe your system if you feel bloated.

5. Bananas
Bananas are great snacks—they’re filling and portable! But here’s even more reason to love bananas: “[They’re] high in potassium, which can help combat water retention from salty foods. Unripe bananas have a certain starch that can cause gas, however, so make sure you eat ripe bananas to help with bloating.

While having a bloated stomach can make you feel gross and uncomfortable, there are many quick fixes if you watch what you eat, chew slowly and try some of these bloat-busting foods!


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