
Rated 4.8/5 by parents & students


Let’s take a moment to talk about a book, shall we? By the way which one of you likes to read as much as I do? Oh! I love to read a lot! Ever since I first learnt to make meaning of those black letters on white papers, I’ve been in love with reading and can’t seem to stop. You should too because I mean…the benefits of reading are immense! Asides helping you relax, polishing your grammar/vocabulary and improving your literacy rate, reading also helps you formulate your worldviews, familiarize yourself with cultures of the world and generally improves your intellect. And as one amazing Librarian puts it, “study upon study shows us that children who read for pleasure daily in their own time achieve the coveted educational Excellence at a far higher rate than their non-reading counterparts.” Indeed, you stand to gain a lot by reading a book at the Library during break instead of chattering away with your friends like parrots.


Well that’s just by the way. We’re supposed to be talking about a book, remember? This is one book you will definitely be interested to read once I’m done talking about it and the name is TTYL. Yes, “ttyl” like “talk to you later”. That sounds cool, right? Well, TTYL was written in 2004 by an American Writer called Lauren Myracle. It is entirely written in the form of text-messaging, just as though you’re chatting on Facebook, Whatsapp or It is focused on three best friends- Angela Silver, Madigan Kinnick and Zoe Barret. They are High School students, known as the “winsome threesome” who are determined to see their friendship last forever. But beyond that, each of the girls wants some specific things for their lives. While Angela is hopeful that she will meet the boy of her dreams, Zoe wishes that something interestingly new will happen to her whereas Madigan cannot help but feel angst and unhappy especially since Jana Whittaker (the most beautiful girl in school) constantly treats her like trash.

One day during French Class, Angela sees Rob Tyler and develops a crush on him. She later tells her friends that he [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”][Rob] is “the one”. Later she gets acquainted with him even as they become friends and Rob asks her out on a date. Unfortunately, Angela could not go on that date because her mother has grounded her for doing something bad. She is devastated to find out that Rob had gone on another date with Tonnie Wyndham since she [Angela] couldn’t make it to him. She confronts Rob on this and he apologizes but blames it on Tonnie instead. A few days later, Rob goes on another date with Tonnie and this time says that Tonnie asked him and he didn’t know how to say no. This lame excuse makes Angela to break up with him…

Meanwhile, Madigan is constantly trying to impress Jana and be friends with her. This makes her ignore her true friends Angela and Zoe. As a matter of fact, on the day of Angela’s broke up with Rob, Madigan was supposed to pick her up but could not because she was busy giving Jana a ride home. This later causes a fight between Angela and Madigan. But the fight is resolved later.

As Halloween approaches, the three friends plan to attend a party together. But on the last minute Madigan ditches her friends and goes to Jana’s party instead. While there, she gets drunk, takes off her shirt and dances in front of some boys while disgracing herself. Jana intentionally let her do that…

To read the entire book, please check HERE.[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

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