
You Are Neither ‘Smart’ Nor ‘Stupid’ Across The Board! [Part 2]

In the first article, we established the existence of several separate intelligences in every human and further stressed that these faculties or intelligence are relatively independent of one another; and that intelligence is not a single faculty in which case one is not either ‘smart’ or ‘stupid’ across the board.

The first article hammered on linguistic and logical mathematical intelligences which seem very invaluable in schools. Today, our emphasis will be on Art related Intelligences which includes:

  1. Musical Intelligence: This intelligence entails skill in the performance, composition, and appreciation of musical patterns. In Howard’s view, musical intelligence is almost parallel structurally to linguistic intelligence. And it makes neither scientific nor logical sense to call one (usually linguistic) an intelligence and other (usually musical) a talent. Beethoven, Michael Jackson, Ron Kenoly and a host of other individuals who have a good ear for music, can sing in tune, keep time to music and listen to different musical selections with some degree of discernment are examples of individuals that possess this kind of intelligence.
  2. Bodily Kinaesthetic Intelligence: This entails the potential of using ones whole body or parts of the body (like hand, legs or mouth) to solve problems or fashion products. Actors, dancers, athletes and surgeons foreground bodily kinaesthetic intelligence. It is also particularly important for crafts persons, mechanics, shoe makers, bench top professionals. Individuals with this kind of intelligence include Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan
  3. Spatial Intelligence: This features the potential to recognise and manipulate patterns of wide space (those used, for instance by pilots) as well as the patterns of more conformed areas (such as those of importance to sculptors, surgeons, chess players, graphic artists, or architects). The wide ranging ways in which spatial intelligence is deployed in different cultures clearly shows how a biopsychological potential can be harnessed by domains that have evolved for a variety of purposes. Individuals like Thomas Edison, Pablo Picasso and Michelangelo have an actual sensitivity to visual details and think in pictures and images.
  4. Spiritual Intelligence: Spiritual potent figures drive people toward exploring cosmic issues. Sometimes, the spiritually effective figure evokes an altered state of consciousness. Great religious leaders such as Apostle Paul, Pastor Adeboye are often seen as having attained a level of consciousness, a connectedness to the rest of the world, a de-emphasis of self that represent that represent an exemplary spiritual existence.

(To be continued)

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