According to Kelli Mahoney, Obeying your parents is one of the most difficult things to do as a teenager. This is a time that you want to spread your wings and do things on your own. You want your independence, and you want to prove you can be a responsible adult. Yet there is still a level of needing your parents to guide you through this time, and there is still so much you can learn from them while you’re still a teen.
It is true that being obedient to one’s parents is not easy. Sometimes it feels like your parents are from a whole other world. Sure, they come from a different generation, and you may not always understand their reasoning. You need to realize, though, that there will be pitfalls in obeying your parents, and there will be times that obedience becomes so difficult. Yet obedience takes work.
Be a respectful child to your parents: It is customary of teens to be disrespectful, although with a few exceptions, those who have learnt the value in respecting their parents. When your parents make a decision, you might not always agree with them but it’s not enough reason to scream, shout or yell at them, that is being out rightly disrespectful and you need to avoid that attitude by all means. There is nothing wrong with asking questions and seeking clarifications where need be, your parents are thoughtful people and if your plea is substantial, they might reason along with you instead of disrespecting them. It doesn’t speak well of you!
Be a patient teen: Patience is a worthy virtue that you should crave to have. Don’t express impatient at your parents, there is no doubt that they might be wrong, they may make mistakes but you have to be patient with them, your patience will allow you learn from their mistake rather than flare up and cause an unnecessary scene with your parents like some obstinate teens do.
Listen Attentively to them: Do you want to glean from the wealth of experience that your parent have, then one of the easiest ways to learn from your parent is to listen to what they have to say. You cannot even obey them if you do not listen to them. Your parents have so much you can learn from but you have to first be able to listen to them.
Communicate with your parents: You do not seem to be getting along easily with your parents then it must be that you are not communicating with them. How responsible you have grown to be depends on how effectively you communicate with your parents. You can develop a good relationship with your parents if you spend time communicating with them, tell them things about you, explain to them why you can get a task done, seek for their opinion on decisions you want to make, glean from their experience that way, even if you desire some privacy like every teen want to, don’t breed suspicion by not communicating with them.
They will regard you as a very obedient child if you follow the steps described in this article.