
Classwork Series and Exercises {Business Studies – JSS1}: Departments in an Organisation

Business Studies, JSS 1 Week- 5

Topic: Departments in an office organization


  1. Why departments in an organization
  2.  Classification of departments

Reasons for department in an organization

  • The departments take care of the different aspect in an organization
  • Departments helps the workers of different aspect to be well coordinated by the department heads
  • Functions of various department in an organization aims towards achieving the organizational goals

Various departments in an organization are classified as

Production department: The head of the production department is known as the production manager. They engage in the producing of goods and services. Some of their functions are:

  • The production department makes sure the raw materials are converted to goods that will satisfy the consumers.
  • Its ensure right quantity and quality of goods are produced
  • Its ensure goods are produced at minimum cost
  • Its relate with the marketing department to know the needs of the people

Marketing department: the marketing department helps in changing and selling the products of the production department into money for the organization. The head of marketing department is called the marketing manager. Some of their functions are:

  • It works closely with the research and development department to design and package new product
  • It gives attractive colors and names to old products to increase their sales value
  • It is responsible for identifying and knowing the viable wholesalers to handle the products of the organizations
  • In relationship with the accounting department, it is responsible for the products.

 Accounting department: The accounting department is responsible for keeping the records of all the financial transaction in the organization. It is headed by chief accountant and assisted by other accountants and clerks. Some of their functions are:

  • It keeps the record of the organization ‘s accounting and financial activities
  • It is responsible for all tax issues relating to the organization
  • It prepares the Annual Business Accounts for the organization’s Annual General Meeting
  • It ensures proper and judicious spending of the organization resources
  • It prepares and pays out wages and salaries to workers in the organization

Personnel department: The personnel department handles all staff matters in the organization; it is headed by the personnel manager. Their functions are:

  • The department is responsible for the selection and recruiting of staffs in the organization
  • It deals with staff promotion and staff discipline
  • It is also responsible for staff training
  • It ensures good welfare for the staffs

Administrative department: The administrative department co-ordinates the activities of all other departments in the organization. The administrative head is usually called the managing director who is the chief Executive Officer of the organization. Some of their functions are

  • It organizes management meeting and prepares the minutes of such meetings
  • It ensures that all policy decisions taken at the meeting are put into practical use.
  • It monitors and supervises the activities of all other departments. Other departments are

Planning department

Sales department

Transport department

Test and Exercise

  1. One of these is not a function of the personnel department (a) training of staff (b) recruitment of staff (c) paying workers salaries (d) promotion of staff
  2. The department responsible for paying of wages and salaries is the (a) accounting (b) personnel (c) planning (d) administrative
  3. The head of the production department is called the (a) personnel manager (b) chief accountant (c) production manager (d) managing director
  4. The department in charge of selling the products that is produced is the (a) production department (b) marketing department (c) personnel department (d) purchasing department
  5. The aim of the various departments in any organization is (a) to bring the organization to a close (b) to destroy the business plan (c) to achieve the organizational goals (d) to bring the organization into debt

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