
Day Versus Night… When Really Is The Best Time To Study?

Students will always have their preferences each time this topic is up for debate. And trust me… this has been the topic of endless debates among many students. But here is the simple truth- it may never really be about the time a student studies, but how s/he studies. This I posit because [really] both day and night study times have their advantages and disadvantages and the time that works for a particular student may not necessarily work for the other. There is no scientific evidence that supports either day time or night time study periods as the best. That said, this post closely examines the benefits of these differing study periods just so you can choose the one that works best for you. Do enjoy and put to practice, please.



1.Students are better-disposed and energized to study during the day time because after a good night’s sleep, the individual is just too refreshed and revitalized to accomplish anything.

  1. Natural light is just better for the eyes than artificial lights. Artificial lights can even damage the eyes after a prolonged period of time.
  2. Most societies are structured in such a way that it is normal to beactive during the day and asleep at night. And by sticking to this norm, there are undeniable benefits such as being able to go to the library or book shop.
  3. Most people are contactable during the day so it’s easier to communicate with your friends or teachers during the day if you have any questions.


  1. There is a lot more noise during the day due to the fact that more people are awake, active, louder and intense during the day. This is very much unlike what obtains at night because at night, it’s only you and perhaps Owls that will be awake. Therefore, there is less noise; which is perfect for studying!
  2. At night there arefewer distractions than during the day. Most of your friends and siblings are asleep and your social networks will be less active. So little or no distractions and more time for the books. How nice!
  3. It is true that things look different by night. The night can increase your creative efficacy and help you see concepts differently.

There are definitely more reasons why either the day time or night time will be the best time for you to study. However, it’s important to note that choosing a particular study time depends entirely on individual preferences. It should be noted however that the number of students who study at night are more than those who study during the day. And that is why the tips below are meant as guide for those burning the proverbial night candles…

Student Working on Laptop 2002


  1. ESTABLISH A ROUTINE:If you decide to study at night, don’t do it sporadically. Instead, establish a study routine as this will get your body accustomed to the study time, therefore engendering optimal performance
  2. REST:If you study at night, this does not mean you should be sleeping less. A well rested mind is important to successful studying. Therefore, make sure you don’t neglect your sleep by catching a few snores during the day.
  3. Time Management: It’s easy to lose track of time when studying at night. This makes it even more important to create a study timetable outlining when you will take breaks. It’s recommended that you take a 5 to 10 minute break every 50 minutes when studying. Also make sure you keep hydrated!
  4. Music: As mentioned above, one of the benefits of studying at night is the increase in your creativity levels. Many believe that their creativity becomes more pronounced at night. That is why many artists work through the night. A good idea to induce your creativity is tostudy while listening to music that inspires and motivates you.

Do let us know the time you think it’s best for you to study and why this is so.

night v day

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