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Why Do Teenagers Need To Learn Idioms?

Simply put, idioms are unique expressions peculiar to speakers of given languages which reflect years of accumulated human experiences. By paying closer attention to the idiomatic expressions in a given language, one can better understand the behaviour/culture of the Native Speakers of said language. This is because idioms represent the lifelong lessons of a people. Now typically, we talk about idiomatic expressions in English language. And the funny thing is that most students do not quite understand why or even how to study it. Anyway, this post is more like an expose on why every teen needs to study idioms. As per how to learn it, asides the English Language class idioms could as well be learnt by reading through many books, novels and well written articles.

Idioms are important because they make a language unique.
Indeed, they make a language more interesting and vibrant [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”][both] when said language is spoken and written. And for non native speakers, mastering the idiomatic expressions in a language engenders greater understanding, fluency and general usage of such said language. That said, please find below more reasons why every teenager should learn more idiomatic expressions and be fluent in English language.


1) Most of the things we talk about on a daily basis (especially in schools) are better expressed with idioms. In other words, students very often have a lot to say which idioms are better suitable for expressing.  Therefore, learning to use idioms will help to expand students’ abilities to become better communicators.

2) It is very impossible to avoid English idiomatic expressions because they are virtually embedded in almost every English text we read. Therefore, the best thing to do as a student is to learn/master them. Take for instance, the expression “fed up” may loosely translate to having eaten enough meal and therefore satisfied. But taking this face-value translation would not only result in misinformation, but may also make the reader/listener appear very stupid. This is because for the Native Speaker of English language, to be “fed up” means that somebody is frustrated over something or with someone… So you see, it’s very important to master idiomatic expressions because it will make you come across as learned when you speak.

3) Idiomatic expressions abound in English for Specific Purposes- business, entertainment, social gatherings etc. For this reason, every teenager must master idioms in order that they will be able to easily adapt to various circumstances they may find themselves in future. For instance, there is this expression often used in official settings which goes thus ‘to think outside the box’. This basically means one’s ability to avoid being constrained by conventional patterns of thought. So you see…any teenager who never bothers to understand the meaning of this expression may likely grow into adulthood with the mindset that thinking outside the box means putting one’s head outside a box when thinking. How lame would that be!

4) In as much as teenagers may not necessarily have to use a lot of idioms on a daily basis, they will still need to have the most common ones in their passive knowledge if they wish to maximize their understanding of the English language and be proficient in it.

5) Finally, idioms are an enjoyable way of using any language; specifically the English language. And here is the truth- teenagers [students] tend to learn more effectively when they are enjoying what they are learning.

I hope this inspires you all to take Idiomatic Expressions seriously.



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