
Empowering Teens to Embrace Science and Technology

So many School Children do not seem to understand the huge emphasis placed on Science Subjects. Some do not even understand the relevance of Mathematics and such related abstract subjects including Physics which they are forced to learn and understand. Yet, the truth remains that virtually all the advancements humanity has made here on earth can all be attributed to Science. Recall for instance that there was a time when people traveled long distances by trekking just because they had no other means of transportation. Life indeed must have been nasty, brutish and short as they say. But then humanity advanced technologically overtime (all thanks to Science), such that today we can sit in the comfort of our homes in front of a Computer monitor while making all kinds of impacts around the world!


Indeed, Science permeates our lives on a daily basis. Physics, for example, teaches us how to generate electricity and power our homes; among numerous other things. Chemistry helps us understand the principles of matter such as atoms, molecules and compounds, as well as the different substances that can arise from the slightest variations within compounds. Mind you, these atoms, molecules and compounds are consisted in the water we drink, the air we breathe, the medicines we take and even the food we eat. There simply is no way we can live without these aspects of our lives. Hence, learning about them could only be to our advantage!

Biology, which as you already know is the study of life, teaches us why we are made up the way we are- different from plants and other living organisms. It also teaches us what we need in order to survive here on earth while always opening our insights into the things we need to do in order to better our health as well as those of other living things around us.


Moving on, there is no gainsaying the fact that the knowledge we derive from Science directly impacts on any country’s economic development. This explains why virtually all the scientifically-advanced countries of the world are also technologically-advanced; hence, wealthier than the rest of us. Science opens the doors to endless opportunities! It creates jobs, and with jobs comes wealth. Consequently, in order to build a future Nigeria where everyone is prosperous and the economy is growing, we need a new wave of promising students who are ready to embrace the study of modern science and use the knowledge derived from such studies to build unique technologies that will help uplift our country from poverty.


The rest of the world has almost left us behind. As a matter of fact, when compared to the other Continents, Africa is so far behind in her technology quest it’s appalling! It is a really worrying trend which must not be left to continue. Europe, Asia, America and the rest of the world cannot be building the technology of the future when Africa has yet to even master the technology of the past. African Governments should be greatly provoked by this and do something immediately to solve the problem. Mind you, nobody is coming here to do it for us; it is our task and we must start with it right now!


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